Chapter 2 Part 2 Transparent Black

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"—That's it, if you help me with my treasure hunt, I'll give you a share, how about it?"

"Not interested."

Kirigiri responded immediately.

"Really, that's fine. I'll still help you. But that means, all the fortune is mine, so I don't wanna hear complaints about that. Oh, and don't get in my way."

Yukimura turned on the car radio, and while slightly wiggling her head, she began to hum along with the tune playing. The nervousness of going to the battlefield is completely absent from her. This is how calm a zero rank is.

Having said that– Shinsen's hidden fortune.

Elements that I have never thought of have been added to this challenge. If there is such a thing, it will really be a huge amount of money. It's not surprising that there are people who want to take away that inheritance even if they commit a crime.

As usual, Kirigiri stared at the white scenery through the window with deep spring-like eyes. What she is thinking, couldn't be inferred from her face.

The news of an approaching storm was on the radio. The snow hitting the windows gradually turned into something more qualitative.

"It's already half way through March, this amount of snow is... well, not a match for my jeep-chan."

As Yukimura said, the car drove very powerfully, passing through many obstacles and heading to the depths of the mountain.

Then after an hour or so, suddenly, Yukimura stopped the car in the middle of the road.

Looking straight at what's going on, there are fir and birch trees growing in a scatter, and there is no road in sight.

"From here on out, we can only walk." Yukimura sighed.

We got out of the car and the icy air stung our faces instantly. Like shards of glass scattered in the air, the snow coated the sky with a pale silver color.

"Can I ask you to lead the way?"

Yukimura buried her face in her scarf and said.

"Eh... that's impossible, I don't even know where we are." I replied.

"Huh? You're kidding, right? Didn't you say you've been there before?"

"The last time it was someone else who led the way... Although we did get off the car halfway like this and walked up the mountain..."

"Is this the way?"

"I don't know." I looked back at Kirigiri. "How about you? Kirigiri- chan, do you remember?"

"The route up to here was not the same as before." "R-really? That's weird, I've investigated it properly..." Yukimura began to panic.

Is it okay to look like this? Can our daunting adventure really make it to the end?

"Wait. Calm down, Shiroko. Right, there's a map, a map! Let's check the map first!"

Yukimura returned to the car, unfolded the map in the driver's seat, while Kirigiri and I stood looking at her from a distance.

A strange noise came from behind us.

It was a sound often heard in historical dramas, that of a horse's hoof trampling the ground as it gallops...

Looking back, there really is a white horse running towards us.

For a moment, I thought my eyes were tricking me. But there is no doubt that it is a horse, and looking closely, a tall man is sitting astride the horse. The hem of his coat embroidered with the national flag of an unknown country is fluttering. In the wind blowing snow and fog, the white horse's breath remained in the air like a trail...

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