Chapter 2 Part 3 Transparent Black

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She pulled out a Detective Library registration card from somewhere and showed us.

Yukimura Shiroko – DSC number [880]

"Name's Yukimura Shiroko, pleased to meet ya." "Number zero..."

I couldn't help omitting. Rank 0 is a rank that a detective cannot reach without the talent and performance that surpasses others. And like me, it's the [88] number that specializes in solving kidnapping cases. It's what I desire to be.

"Oh, never mind the rank. I've been out of the business for a few years now, so I'm kind of—"

"I have no plans to ride a stranger's car. Let's go, Yui-onēsama." Kirigiri didn't let her finish the sentence and began to walk away. Then Yukimura threw another one towards Kirigiri's back.

"Are you going to the Sirius Observatory?" Kirigiri stopped.

"Why do you know this?" Instead of Kirigiri, I asked her.

"I'm better at gathering intelligence than anyone else. As you can see I have a small head, but a big brain." Yukimura smiled jokingly.

"So, you are Samidare Yui-chan, and over there is Kirigiri Kyōko- chan, right? This way, we're no longer strangers. So, what are you going to do? I just happen to be heading in the direction of the Sirius Observatory, how about we go there together?"

"Thank you for your offer." Kirigiri is still uninterested.

I hurriedly grabbed Kirigiri who was about to continue walking. "It's a rare opportunity, let's get in the car, shall we?" "Seriously? It's too dangerous."

"I think so too but..." I whispered. "Isn't it better to find out the intention of this person while we're at it? The destination looks the same, and we will have to meet her again when we arrive there. moreover, you are the person who is playing the detective this time. You don't need to worry about getting hurt according to the rules."

"In Johnny Arp's absence, who is enforcing that rule, there is no guarantee that the rule will be followed."

"That's true, but..."

"Hmm? Is there a dispute?"

Yukimura stuck out her neck and peered at us. "No, it's nothing. Can you give us a ride?"

"So it's not troublesome?"

"No way. Alright then, thanks for your kindness... Let's get in the car." I pushed Kirigiri in the direction of the car. "At the end of the day, we can't go there without a car, so that's the best thing to do."

"It would be nice if that's the case."

Kirigiri reluctantly sat in the back seat. Considering her past experience, it's understandable that she doesn't want to ride in someone else's car. However, it is also true that we do not have the means to travel to the crime location.

After I also got into the back seat, Yukimura started the jeep. Reflected in the rearview mirror, the school building was gone in the blink of an eye.

"Thank you very much for your kindness, it's a great help." I spoke from behind to Yukimura in the driver's seat.

"Don't sweat it, I also needed someone to talk to." she said with a smile."...Having said that, it's not 100% charity work. Ah, don't be wary, I have no plans to do anything to you."

"How much do you know about the situation?" I asked frankly.

"Hmm... almost, all of it? I know you girls are taking on the Crime Victims' Relief Committee, the kind of cases you have solved so far, and what happened with the committee's leaaders... Yeah, that's about it."

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