Chapter 1 Part 2 The last Enemy

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We do not know the extent to which this organization is now weakened, and it's possible that it hasn't been affected at all. This organization is Shinsen's soul condensed to form an entity. Johnny once said something similar to this. If this is the case, then no matter how much peripheral obstacles we remove, as long as Shinsen himself is not defeated, this organization will not die out.

The mysterious 'Variationist' who specializes in disguise and camouflage– Shinsen Mikado. I wonder where he is now, what he is doing, and what his next plans are.

After the exams are over, the school will have a spring break until about a week before the graduation ceremony. The third-year students rehearse for the graduation ceremony during this period, but this has nothing to do with first-year me.

During the spring break, Kirigiri and I studied together, tried new dishes, and enjoyed brief moments of peace and quiet. For many people, this is ordinary life– but for us, it was special, sparkling, glassy... thin, fragile, ephemeral.

I know very well that the day when this peace will disappear in an instant will soon come, because a black piece of paper is lying quietly in my classroom locker, like a shadow in front of our future.

It's a plain black business card.

It was left for me by Johnny. He didn't mean malice, but it is hard to tell if he did it out of good intentions. He gave me the business card with a message: 'Life is what you make it!'

'Crime Victims' Relief Committee 12th District Representative

Endō Tōkichirō TEL XX-XXXX-XXXX'

On the face of it, this business card is for someone who belongs to the Crime Victims' Relief Committee.

However, would a crime organization really use a business card and put the organization's name on it so openly? What is this for?

If this thing was on the ground, I would have noticed it, but would not have taken it seriously. But it was given to me by none other than Johnny Arp, who was one of the organization's top after a bloody fight. This can't be a joke.

This must be the one-way ticket to get close to Shinsen.

Thinking about it this way, the small piece of paper immediately felt ominous, almost like a cursed object.

Regarding this business card, I still hid it from Kirigiri, and I haven't spilled a word to her. My intuition tells me that this thing can't be seen by her.

I have a hunch that if I let her see this, something will come to an end.

It might be the end of this battle.

Or it might be the end of my relationship with Kirigiri. Or perhaps it will be the end of the world.

At least one thing can't be wrong, that is, it will definitely expose her to danger again. The thought of it made me unable to play that card. For me... and of course for Kirigiri, we have the right to enjoy our daily ordinary lives, yet now I have to destroy this short- lived peace with my own hands. Who in their right mind would ever do such a thing?

Because of this, I have always felt a sense of guilt in my heart.

When studying and cooking together, that black rectangle often appeared in the corner of my mind.

It really is a cursed object.

I can't just leave it alone. Maybe the organization is weakened now, which is a good opportunity to strike at their heart. As soon as I think of this, I feel like I have to do something right away.

So, on the last day of the spring break, I finally took action.

But, it's really just a phone call.

Just to test the other side's reaction, that's all, just like a harassment call, this shouldn't cause any trouble, let alone telling Kirigiri about it.

That day, I left the dormitory alone and went to the nearby business district. Even though it's halfway through March, the cold weather continued, with pedestrians on the road wearing scarves, gloves and thick coats.

I walked into a fast-food restaurant that's doing well and ordered a burger and iced tea. After finding the table with my plate in hand, I entered the phone number from the business card I had written down on my phone.

It's okay, of course, the phone is set to private number mode, the other side won't be able to know who the caller is. That said, who would pay attention to a harassment call?

I pressed the call button with trembling fingertips. The call went out.

The call beeps came out from the speaker. Once...


At that moment, someone's mobile phone inside the fast-food restaurant rang.

I was startled and looked around the restaurant.

A listless couple, children with eyes lighting up at the mountain of fries, a harmonious family, a foreigner with headphones using a laptop...

In the midst of such a mundane scene, a man surrounded by a particularly deep darkness is sitting at a dining table.

An old man with a felt hat pressed down on his head— It's his phone that's ringing.

The phone is flashing on the table with the incoming call light. The old man slowly picked up the phone.

Then press the call button.

At the same time, my phone connected.

A little later, the sound of children laughing with each other in the restaurant came out from the speakers.

There is no room for doubt. It's the old man.

I could barely move or even take the phone away from my ear because of the overwhelming fear.

"...You are?"

I asked trembling.

The old man then pulled up the corner of his injured mouth and grinned.

"A good-willed third party."

He said so.

That striking scar on the corner of the mouth– it's the old man who asked me for directions on the bus a few days ago. I felt a chill as I thought about it. I've been watching you, that's what the edge of his soft smile and crooked wound seemed to whisper.

"Don't be so wary of me. If I really wanted to hurt you, I would have done it already, you know that well."

I didn't respond, but just kept my eyes on the old man so that I could run away anytime he makes any suspicious movements.

"I was wondering what extra memento that punk American would leave behind, but I didn't expect it to be this. Thanks to him, the hands of the clock can now move forward..."

"What is your purpose?"

I interrupted the old man with a question.

"Our purpose has always been one, and that is to give relief to those whose lives have been ruthlessly robbed– we will help you take yours back."

"Yes, I'm well aware of that, the Crime Victims' Relief Committee, the devil that approaches with a friendly face."

"I don't deny this. We indeed possess enough power to be called a devil in the eyes of the world."

"It was true until last month. But what about now?"

"It seems that you really know our situation well. But please rest assured, no matter what the situation is, we have no plans to be perfunctory about your relief. We are your companions."

"My companion? I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Don't you want revenge?"

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