Chapter 4 Part 2- Samidare Yui

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Suddenly concerned, I checked the state of the hall from the door gap.

I can't see Yūhain, and I don't hear the sound of ice being cut, which most likely means he hasn't started his work yet. Is he resting in his room?

I went back to bed to check the rest of the food. Candy, chocolate, and a little bit of snacks left, and only about a third of the thermos. If Yūhain doesn't get the inheritance and escape soon, we will be forced to survive as victims of snowy mountains.

Soon I was hungry so I opened my bag of cookies.

Kirigiri sat back on the bed with a serious expression. Perhaps now, in her little head, her neurons are glowing like stars of a galaxy. I like her face when she does that.

I took a cookie and put it to Kirigiri's mouth, and she nibbled on it unconsciously. It was funny, like feeding a bird.

"Kirigiri-chan, did you understand something?" "I did."

She suddenly stood up and went to the astronomical telescope this time. She started turning the turntable pedestal around in all directions for a while, as if she is playing with a toy.

"Is the astronomical telescope the key to solving the case this time too?"

I asked, and Kirigiri just tilted her head vaguely.

"When I turn the pedestal, it feels a little bit stuck with something."

"Maybe it's damaged?" "Hard to say......"

Kirigiri lowered her head thoughtfully.

"Kirigiri-chan, it's time to eat some sugar, right? If you don't have enough nutrients, your mind will become dull, so take a break and eat something."


We began our usual tea party, which we have held many times in my dorm room before. The two of us shared the remaining black tea and breathed a sigh of relief.

It felt slightly, somewhat, like returning to our daily life.

Come to think of it, before I met Kirigiri, my daily life was empty. From that day— since the murder of my sister Mayu— I just lived in a void, relying solely on the title of detective to give me purpose. Because if I didn't do that, I would not have been able to sustain myself.

At that time, I was probably killed together with my sister. Maybe it wasn't my sister, but me who was kidnapped and killed.

To get rid of these thoughts, I had to rely on the heroic image of the detective. An ally of justice who reaches out to those who seek salvation. I thought becoming that kind of existence would be at least a kind of redemption for my sister.

But of course, someone like me can't be a hero.

At the end of the day, I just wanted to save myself.

At that time, the person who appeared in front of me was Kirigiri. She is a real detective.

Of course, she doesn't think she's a hero at all, but the people she saved sure do.

So, she really is a hero, a detective without compromise. She will certainly save many people in the future.

So, no matter what happens to me— "Yui-onēsama."

Kirigiri suddenly looked at me. "Hmm?"

"Help me braid my hair." "A-ah, yeah."

I went around behind her who is sitting on the bed and stroked her hair. I gently grabbed her hair, which flows like water, and started braiding it.

"I washed it well this morning." "Nice nice."

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