chapter 2- humbling pride

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finally some action in this chapter xD 

Out at sea

no pov

Seattle: aww man why did we get ambushed so much now I missed the party I planned last night...


Laffey: Laffey didn't even use her retrofit ability

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Laffey: Laffey didn't even use her retrofit ability...Seattle stronger than Laffey by a million

Seattle: Hehe thank you Laffey, but the matchup was just in my favour. Oh, I have a question what's the commander like

Laffey: Laffey has seen the commander and enterprise together at night with javelin *collapses*

Javelin: Laffey! that was our secret and don't sleep here

Seattle: oh, my miss enterprise *smug face*

Enterprises: *blushes* stop it

After a bit of traveling, they arrive back at base and see the commander waiting at the docks for them with Cleveland and hornet. Enterprise, Laffey, javelin and Seattle jumped back onto land making their ships dock

Allen: welcome back guys you took longer than expected how did it go

Laffey jumps on the commander hugging him

Laffey: Laffey didn't use her full Laffey will use them on you...ZZZ

Javelin: *blushes* Laffey don't sleep on the commander

Allen: jeez Laffey at least go on my back

Laffey swings herself hanging from commanders' neck and lands on his back

Allen: ok...anyway how did it go for the rest of you

Enterprise: we were ambushed several times by sirens, most of them were carriers which Seattle sunk really easily, and she was also really strong against the destroyers, so it went very well thanks to her

Seattle: what can I say AA is my game also commander do you know where is Atlanta, Juneau, Sandy

Allen: *notices javelin looking down blushing* ( Javy you making me feel bad acting like this...) *lifts javelin up and holds her in a princess carry*

Javelin: commander?

Allen: *gives a smile to javelin then looks at* oh, they are probably still asleep they were waiting for you but this happened

Seattle: aww man well then commander you should totally join us tonight then

Allen: (dude do you guys' party every day or something?) I cant going to be a little bit busy tonight

Seattle: (wow how smooth didn't even flinch) oh is that so alright then also I haven't met you guys before

Cleveland: oh, hi there my name is Cleveland a Cleveland class light cruiser

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