chapter 16 - Ruin

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Northern parliament base

?: comrade Avrora comrade!

Avrora: hmmm Chkalov?

Chkalov: can you move?

Avrora tries to get up but tumble back downwards Chkalov then lifts her and begins carrying her trying to escape as times are desperate multiple explosions can heard going off ass the base is currently being turned to rubble

Avrora: If we are escaping the situation must be dire

Chkalov: Yes we have no chance against them anymore to if we continue we will die 

Avrora: is everyone alright

Chkalov: currently I don't know communication has been jammed however we managed to inform everyone to meet at the docks so we all leave Kronshtadt and new jersey are buying us a lot of time 

Avrora: al- ahh....

Chkalov: comrade?

Avrora: my stomach

Chkalov immediately stopped putting Avrora down inspecting her clothing she saw a few tiny holes noticing the obviously issue she began unzipping her coat and removing her top completely off she found multiple shards pierce her body as she was steadily losing blood

Chkalov: (i should have known) these are minor but the amount makes it bad alright comrade I need you to stay strong

Chkalov then picks up Avrora's hat before folding it into a thick roll and makes Avrora bite it she then begins removing the shards out of her stomach as she shakes a little Chkalov then pulls out bundled up cloth tape as well as her flask of vodka and a seperate cloth, she damps the cloth and begins wiping Avrora's injuries as she begins to let out a few muffled screams and clenching her fist trying not to roll over she then pulls out a needle and thread and begins sewing the deeper cuts Avrora began crying and screaming moving left to right frantically making it difficult for Chkalov to work on her wounds Chkalov then puts her legs over Avrora's ones stopping her movements slightly

Chkalov: comrade I know its bad I only need to do a few please put your hands behind your head

Avrora with tears in her eyes only nodded following the instruction given as she closes her eyes trying he best to endure the pain Chkalov then continues as she continues letting out muffled screams eventually Chkalov finishes and once again pulls out another cloth dampening it wiping her wounds once more before using her cloth tape and wrapping it around her stomach finally done

Chkalov: here drink from my flask it should help a bit with the pain

Avrora: thank you comrade

Chkalov only nods before putting her clothing back on and carrying her to the docks

With Kronshtadt and new jersey

Both Kronshtadt and new jersey <NJ for her>have been fighting against majority of the humanoid sirens they have both taken a considerable amount of damage but are still standing strong against this new threat

NJ: how you holding up

Kronshtadt: I'm alright comrade however this is proving difficult they are of higher power than the regular humanoid sirens *turns back to the base*

NJ: focus we need to buy time for them

Kronshtadt: I know comrade 

NJ: I'm really sorry I couldn't prevent all this I failed my mission here

Kronshtadt: don't worry comrade if both of us are having it hard then there's nothing we can do but I found there weakness

Kronshtadt then fired a salvo into the air at peculiar angle as they dropped eventually hitting something as she shells exploded the humanoid sirens immediately continued their onslaught from her action as now both new jersey and Kronshtadt where avoiding multiple lasers and shells

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