chapter 8 - DMC

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Out at sea – with dido team

Drake: Sheff how are you holding up

Sheffield: huh I'm alright just in deep thought about everything

Dido: do you plan on giving our majesty the letter

Sheffield: unsure if she's keen of hearing from the enemy

Sirius: I still find is quite alarming he was able to move like that as well as heal a permanent injury

Drake: well hopefully we wouldn't have to fight him there too much we don't know

Sheffield: thankfully your ships speed is high we are already nearing the eagle union base hopefully there we will find some form of answers in master's letter

eventually they arrived at the eagle unions base they saw Belfast running towards them with the commander. She did not say a word as she hugged Sheffield then everyone else one by one

Commander: please come to my office I'm sure you have a lot to speak on

They all move toward the commander's office once they reached Sheffield began explaining everything that had occurred during their time at the base Belfast's guilt grew beyond the breaking point causing her to leave the office angrily

Allen: let her be she gets like that just give her some space, but this is why I was against attacking the Sakura empire like that even if it most was unforeseen this could have been avoided

Sheffield: he also gave me a letter to give to you and the queen

Allen: huh?

Sheffield hands Allen the letter as he begins reading

Allen: "hey there if you're reading this then my plan is already in motion eventually, I will be commander of the crimson axis so we can negotiate something to end this in fighting. there's a little bit more at the back but I would appreciate if you read it alone"

Enterprise: you can't possibly believe what his saying even if he did this could be a trap

Allen: Sheffield please give me the queens letter she will be arriving soon so that won't be needed also may you all please leave

Enterprise: commander!

Allen: relax Enty I know what I'm doing also your to young to understand the bro code

Enterprise: your literally younger than Laffey commander

Allen: AHH! Enty just leave please or else no head pats

Enterprise leaves the room immediately as Sheffield stays behind staring at Allen

Allen: do you also disagree like her

Sheffield: as your maid it is my duty to obey the masters order however as someone I love a wish for you to trust him a tiny bit I did not feel any malicious intent from him either but we cannot grant him absolute blind trust

Allen: hmm is that so alright thanks Sheffy

Allen stands and walks to Sheffy giving her a head pat even though she is holding her usual emotionless face a slight blush and smile can be seen after he finishes, she bows and leaves

Allen: now let's see

Allen sits on his chair and begins reading

Allen: "you didn't have to be alone I just wanted to see what type of person you are even though I'm far away so good job if you are alone to be honest my reasoning is just to protect my sisters and friends here at the Sakura empire simple. ALso you don't have to do anything I'll do most of the heavy lifting but if you attack them while I'm away =w="

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