chapter 27 - iris and Vichya

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Beach side – with jean Bart and Richelieu

Both jean bart and Richelieu moved to a secluded area on the base where they could fight without any disturbances a they both stared down each other 

Jean: Richelieu I'm miles from what I once was spare yourself the suffering

Richelieu: If my suffering will be the light to guide you to change your ways so be it

Jean Bart immediately dashes forth closing the distractions from her sister within seconds jean then raised aimed her gun at her head before firing however prior to that she tripped Richelieu to ensure she doesn't take a headshot

Jean: you would have died right there

Richelieu: yet you did not do it your ideals are weak just as your faith

Richelieu then gripped her spear tightly as she got up attempting to pierce jeans stomach which jean only side stepped grabbing her spear and throwing her backwards

Jean: you call my faith weak but you having an abundance of it failed to even save Clemenceau-

Richelieu got trigger dashing towards jean swing her flag spear attempting to pierce or cut jean who continued to dodge, it was until jean lost her footing from something granting  Richelieu a easy access to stab her spear into jean Barts shoulder plunging her into the ground spinning the spear in her wound as she screamed in pain, Richelieu then removed the tip and then aimed for jeans aim she plunged her spear downwards while jean caught the spear with her other hand 

Richelieu: you shall not speak of her

Jean: why because I was the one who sunk her or because of you being to distracted by your god you sent Clemenceau to her grave 

Richelieu: you would killed your own in cold blood

Jean bart then breaks the tip of the spear and dodged her neck to the side as Richelieu from the opposing force having been removed stabbed her spear into the sand, jean using the sharp tip of the now turned flag pole as a mini knife stabbed Richelieu's lower arm making her right arm immediately disabled from the wound she then kicked Richelieu in the rib and immediately got up with Richelieu flag pole and giving her a heavy blow to the head with it making Richelieu fall to the ground

Jean: you hypocrite your the reason Gascogne is like a machine now, unlike you I actually care about my sisters well being I don't send them off to die in the name of god 

Richelieu tries to get up but still feels a little groggy as jean bart hits Richelieu in her head once more making richelieu fall back down clutching her now bruised head in pain as tears slowly began swelling up 

Jean: unlike you I don't impose my own believes on those that I care about

jean then hit her rib as a slight crack could be heard Richelieu then screamed clutching her rib as jean then hit her head once more as blood began dripping down 

Jean: I tried Richelieu but every single fucking time all you speak about is god this, god that, what about me you never once cared about me

she then hit her once more a large amount of blood began rushing from Richelieu's head as she was down and partly conscious jean then stared at her flag which somehow was covered in blood as she tore it of throwing the pole to the side she then kicked Richelieu over to the side before stepping on her chest showing dropping the flag that was in her possession 

Jean: be grateful your dead today if you dare hurt anyone i will kill you with this same flag 

Jean then steps over and begins walking away however Richelieu grabbed her leg with the little bit of strength she hand left

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