chapter 25 - bonds

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Nagatos ship – nagatos room

Its early morning and the fleet who are still maintaining course towards the eagle union base nagato is fast asleep in her bed when she feels herself being elevated by something as she then begins to wake up disgruntled to her surprise she found herself on top of y/n clutching onto him like a pillow with some drool on her bottom lip

y/n: heya Naga

nagato: y-y-y-y/n!

nagato then frantically tries to get off but y/n holds her steady

y/n: relax your dreaming I'm still asleep on biscuits ship remember also you're not exactly wearing pyjamas

<note nagato is wearing her great fox respite skin which essentially is just her in her underwear covered by a thin see through dress shirt for more reference just look it up>

nagato: why am I wearing this in my dream with you in it......

y/n: you tell me

nagato: *clears throat* if this is a dream *slightly blushing* does that mean you can go to your adult form

y/n: ohhh you got a preference interesting but no I can't but forget that on a serious note, nagato I want to apologise for the trouble I caused-

nagato: no that was on Shinano who is currently still being punished-

y/n: Shinano is awake?

Nagato: yes she woke up far earlier than you did

with Shinano

Shinano who is still recovering from her injury is currently cleaning nagatos engine room on her ship she's covered in multiple layers of dirt they were also little manjuus helping her

Shinano: must.... stay...awake.. *Collapses and falls asleep*

Multiple manjuus all surround Shinano moving her to a much cooler space so she can rest

back with nagato and y/n

nagato: so you are not to blame furthermore you did aid us in battle and helped us win you're doing a fine job shikkikan

y/n: then I request reward

nagato: reward?

y/n: yes I request your lips

nagato: my lips?...... w-w-what even if it's a dream that's immoral no....

y/n aww....

Nagato: *sighs* you are very immoral 

Nagato violently holds y/n cheeks while blushing heavily as she slowly drops down attempting to kiss him just then the door was blasted open as Mutsu came in

Mutsu: SIS-Ter.....

Nagato immediately let go of y/n jumping off him and the bed y/n then gets off standing in front off mitsu

y/n: morning mitsu

mitsu: good morning y/n I didn't know you were healed and ready to go already though what were you and sis doing?

y/n: oh that's simple nagato wanted to kiss me even though I just woke up I think she was really excited to see me

mitsu: oh I see sister you should have told me you and y—

a see a bolt of lightning passed mitsu as nagato could be seen on top on y/n choking the life out of him with both hands seething with rage

nagato: YOU SAID IT WAS A DREAM BAKA AHO MANUKE! Anata ga shiharau< idiot, idiot, idiot, you will pay>

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