chapter 32 - The lone queen of the north

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Eagle union base - with Allen

Allen and Roon have been conversing with each other for a quite a while for an attempt to salvage their relationship but to no avail to him Roon although still with holding her insanity in this very moment she Is way more different than before, their time was interrupted when Allen received a call 

Allen: (a call?)

Just then Roon picks up the phone and sees a small blue and white girl on it as she just stared in disgust

Roon: Whore

TB: ....

Allen: sorry about her TB I'm here what's wrong

TB: CV enterprise is engaging in combat with BB II-128 from iron-

Roon: WHAT!

Roon then summons her rigging aims at the wall readying to blast it wide open

Allen: WAIT! anymore commotion will cause-

Roon: NEIN

Allen: wait I –

Roon then grabs Allen by the throat lifting him up into the air choking the life out of him

Roon: if I was the one in danger would you have made the person wait

TB: initiating-

Allen: NO!....lis-ten 

Roon then lets go as Allen drops to the ground coughing coughs

Allen: *coughs* I just wanted you and me to go privately *huff*

Roon: ....*deep breath then smiles* you should have just said so Schnuckiputzi

Allen: *sighs* TB anything else I should know about the situation

TB: yes, CV hornet and another iron blood carrier that has not been registered have went to intercept CV Enterprise and BB II-128, she calls herself peter Strasser

Roon: (hmm Strasser?)

TB: CL Cleveland is also moving towards your office 

Allen: alright lets not waste anytime TB you'll inform Cleveland that Roon and I are heading towards hornet and shell meet us there, Roon lets go

Roon: *giggles then changes to a maniac laugh*

Roon then picks up Allen before blasting the wall and dashing out Allen holds on to Roon for dear life but its then her notices he was by the iron blood quarters the entire time as he just sighs knowing what will come next

Out at sea - with Tirpitz

Tirpitz pops up from out of the sea coughing violently as she summons her ship right under her raising her above the waves as she lays on the fore of her deck just ahead of her A turret she continues wincing in pain her body was riddled with bruises and cuts as well as her ship reflecting the damage her rigging took from the last blow Tirpitz then forces herself up to and begins scanning the damages that where reflected on her now damaged hull

Tirpitz: *sighs* how do i explain this to Bismarck.

alarms went off in her conning tower as she quickly rushed over and saw multiple red dots beginning to approach her destination and to Tirpitz's horror she knew what exactly was coming. bombers.

Tirpitz: mein gott...

Tirpitz immediately began making her ship move however due to the amount of damage her rigging had received she could only force it to move at 24 knots a good enough speed compared to her usual 31 <I'm not sure how fast the Tirpitz moved> a few minutes pass as Tirpitz having already prepared for the oncoming barrage. The sound of hell blasted through Tirpitz's ears as a loud engines of the bomber planes roared through the air approaching the Tirpitz who began swerving through the waves the planes began unleashing their payloads one after the other the first quarter was using a large amount of light bombs however thankfully Tirpitz's AA <anti- aircraft> managed to shoot down majority of the planes, this had caused the last three formations to change a little as both the second and third quarter of medium bombers attacked at the same time causing Tirpitz's AA efficiency to dwindle allowing majority of the bombers to land their payloads multiple explosions took place all over the Tirpitz deck the entire ship was left flaming with her damage control modules unable to handle the mass amount of flooding and fires taking place Tirpitz being unable to do anything but watch stared out of her conning tower in horror as she clenched her fist in absolute rage however all was quelled when the last wave of bombers carrying heavy explosives realised their final payload causing Tirpitz's conning tower to blow up causing Tirpitz to fly out crashing onto her fore deck once more as she stayed laying on her back staring into the smoke filled sky as her vison turned to her super firing turret as enterprise stood tower over her with her bow trained at Tirpitz eyes glowing a bright golden colour with multiple bruises and her hat nowhere to be seen.

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