chapter 11 - abrupt end

860 33 14

Royal navy base – with y/n and his challengers

?: Dost thy heart cry restlessly in my absence Wales?

They all turn to the very familiar voice and saw a lady in red and black and that her eyes now were glowing blood red

Wales: York?

y/n: You learned how to control it good work

York: by thy grace the shackles upon mine own strength have been turned to dust is thy truly our foe granting us such blessings albeit unorthodox

y/n: I'm not your enemy or an ally right now I would be best described as a teacher, so York show me the new you

York: gladly

York then bursts forth with her sword in hand towards y/n as the two are clashing swords and moving around at a much faster pace the rest only watched seeing York show a power she has kept locked away 

Harbin: I'm slightly struggling to follow the battle from the speed they are moving at

Wales: then let's stop watching and help Harbin you support Plymouth from the back monarch with me we will show him our combined excellence

With Odin and the rest

both Odin and kaga are staring at the repair docks near Eugen's ship that's being repaired

Odin: (I find it odd that no one has come here yet)

kaga: Eugen how is your ship

Eugen: my ship is alright now I can recall it without any issue but it still needs proper repairs

Georgia: well that means my jobs done

They all turn to her ready to engage

Georgia: woah relax after that I just experienced I need a breather

Eugen: oh my are you scared~

Georgia: big words coming from someone who was dying moments ago

Odin: both of you stop it he asked us not to fight and I'm sure that includes you as well

the two-stop bickering and look towards kaga and Akagi who is staring at the sea intently

Georgia: why aren't you helping him?

kaga: (I want my reward) i trust him

Georgia: figures though what were you all doing in royal navy waters this seems unnatural. if you were planning to use yourself as bait your reinforcements should have arrived already

Eugen: oh you know the usual siren troubles. The mirror sea we were at sent us here once we left it

Georgia: so everything that happened today was my mere coincidence I find that hard to believe

Eugen: believe what you will 

Georgia: then what's his deal he seems to have enough power to at some of us

eugen: some?? 

Kaga: if he wanted anyone dead today it would have been done

Georgia: then what's the point of him fighting against them if his not killing?

Akagi: just know he is not your enemy 

Georgia: im confused on where you all stand in all this

Akagi: were just following orders from our dear commander we still hate you but knowing what y/n wants I think he would want us to talk

azur lane: kanchos returnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora