Chapter 44: RTB

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A solid day has passed since the sirens attack on the Azur Lane base occurred only a handful of Kansen made it back to base only to find multiple bodies covered with white sheets across the dockyard under repair, some ship girls were trying to perform rescue operations on the now collapsed bunker

QE: what are the casualty rates

Sheffield: so far thirty three are confirmed others who were recovered are critically injured and are being transferred to available maid corps ships for treatment, I have others at the other entrances who might have recovered some people as well

QE: all right thank you Sheffield

Sheffield bows returning to her post, Queen Elizabeth only sighed gently wiping her face with one hand

Warspite: my queen-

QE: I'm fine Warspite, that light we saw earlier what was that

Warspite: I don't have the faintest clue but even more than that I worry for our commander

QE: don't worry Warspite the servant is quite sturdy for a normal human

A ships horn was heard in the distance as the two battleships turned, they saw an eagle union and Sakura empire battleship approach with a handful of destroyer escorts from the Sakura empire and eagle union, the two then moved over towards the damaged dockyard which was slowly being repaired by the manjuus which somehow survived the devastating attack leaving their ships nagato had ordered her destroyers to go assist the maids reading the situation and so did Massachusetts to he escorts

Nagato: queen Elizabeth, Warspite greetings

QE: hello to you three I trust-

Massachusetts: sorry to cut in but the whole standing around talking isn't my style I would much rather prefer helping around if you need me just call

and with that Massachusetts left the four to their own devices

QE: how rude

Nagato: I can understand her perspective we should cut this short so we may also help around, I also wish to see off those we lost as a former shrine maiden giving prayers is something I perform well

QE: fine then all I want to ask is if you know anything about that light from earlier or if you even saw it at all

Nagato: I doubt anyone didn't see it but to answer your question only my only guess is it has something to do with our shikkikan though it is only speculation, if that's all I can task kawakaze to assist your maids with recoveries if you do not mind

just then Edinburgh came up to the group however she tripped and fell making Warspite rush over to her picked her up

Warspite: Edinburgh be careful where you step

Edinburgh: y-yes sorry oh my queen one of my scout planes found a crater not far from here from the top there where a handful of people there unable to get out

Nagato: I'll send kawakaze and her group over

QE: alright Edinburgh support them and make sure those planes inspect the island we need to know if any more weird things have popped up

short timeskip - with jean Bart and Richelieu

stranded on an island the two battleships find themselves siting laying on each others backs, Jean Bart has her ship beached on the island they are on

Jean Bart: fear not jean god will grant us a path

Jean: do us both a favour and shut up lemme die in peace

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