chapter 34 - internal conflicts

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Short timeskip – with queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth can be seen finished tying the person she has been carrying to a chair as she picks up a bucket of water splashing the person with water forcing them awake

?: tirp..*cough* cough* ugh the hell....

Q.E: y/n I demand you heal Warspite this instant

y/n: the hell do you think I am god?

Q.E: don't smart mouth me you bastard you made Sheffield walk again

y/n: ugh...

Queen Elizabeth having lost her temper even more moved up to y/n slapping him

y/n: THE FUC- *sighs* look stop the aggression lets talk like adults

Q.E: I am in control here not you

y/n: just listen you damn child I lost the ability to do that I could help accelerate her healing process but right now I need rest

Q.E: what! How irresponsible must you be to lose such a divine ability

Y/n: Shut up I did what I had to plus I said I'll help you just not right now I cant do anything helpful as I am

Q.E: why cant you help now?

Y/n: I just finished helping a fleet member not so long ago my energy reserves are low so unless you want something bad to happen to me you'll wait

Q.E: I don't care about you fix Warspite

Y/n: I should have known your brain is the same size as your chest


Y/n the breaks the chains standing up from the chair summoning his flame cleaver in the ground, queen Elizabeth in a panicked state summoned her sceptre holding a defensive position

y/n: first mistake was putting me in the same room as Warspite now ill say this once ill detonate this very building were in as well as personally turning Warspite into a pile of ashes making you watch

Q.E: you wouldn't dare

y/n then lets flames emit from is sword as they begin to encase the entire room turning I'm the temperature

y/n: (please bite my bluff please)

Q.E: S-stop this idiocy this instant

y/n: drop your sceptre and get on your knees right in front of me ill count to five if you cant make it I hope you can protect Warspite from the inferno, one

Q.E: you bastard

y/n: two

Q.E: this is cowardice stop it

y/n: three

the flames began swirling around the room as the temperature rapidly began increasing, Queen Elizabeth look towards Warspite who was sweating having a hard time breathing with her head turning left and right frantically, she immediately threw her sceptre and stood Infront of y/n

Q.E: WAIT! ill do it stop this instant

y/n then stops as the room returned to normal as if nothing happened, Queen Elizabeth then dropped to her knees looking down at the floor

Y/n: I'm sorry master for being a brat, repeat

Q.E: .....i-im sorry...m...m

y/n slapped the side of her head as she held it in disbelief

y/n: look at me and say it properly

queen Elizabeth still in her state of shock grit her teeth summoned her sceptre knocking y/n of his feet she then chained the attack kicking him in the stomach forcefully crashing through multiple walls in the building

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