~Chapter Two~

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After dinner, the five of us were driven to Wonderland. The car dropped us off in the back. The security guy stopped us.

"I know the four of you. Who is she?"

"Ingrid Edwards."

"Oh, alright. Here sweetheart," he said and gave me some lanyards to put on. "Green room is inside and to the right. There is a bathroom inside the green room."

"OK, thank you," I said.

We went inside and down to the green room.

"Am I supposed to be in here," I asked quietly.

"Of course, you are," said a female voice.

I turned to see Kat Brooks standing there. Everyone in the world knew who she was. She walked over to me and held out her hand to me. I shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Kat."

"Likewise. Girlfriend, you are beautiful."

"Oh, well, thank you."

"May I get you a drink?"

"Pineapple Vodka Cocktail?"
"You got it, sweetheart."

"Can I get a fireball shot as well?"


"Is it obvious?"

"Just a little bit," I said and held up my fingers.

"You are going to do great, Ingrid. And after all that shit happened with Drea, we have a lot more cameras around, security and the rules for this competition are different. You will be just fine."

"How many contestants are there?"

"Six, we had one drop out."

"Oh, I see. Females? Males? Mix bag?"

"It's you and five guys. The other girl dropped. But listen to me, Ingrid," she said as the boys were watching us. "Do not let that intimidate you. You have more power than you realize right now."

"What do you mean?"

"You have something that those boys don't have."

"Which is what?"

"Sex appeal and a personality," she said with a giggle. "Now, you go get changed for the first round and I'll get you those drinks."

"Thank you, Kat."

She walked out of the green room. I grabbed my stuff and went into the bathroom. I had two different tops in my bag. I could hear Kat in the back of my head. Sex appeal. Okay, just go for it. I put on the black leather skirt and grabbed the black and white crop top. My rib tattoo was now exposed. I put on my black knee-high heeled combat boots. I freshened up my makeup and added some lift to my hair to spray it with the extra hold hair spray. Leaving my bag in the bathroom, I slid my cell phone into the back pocket on the skirt.

Opening the door, the boys were sitting around with drinks.

"Okay, where's that fucking shot," I asked.

They all turned to look at me. It was like they just stopped mid-sentence with one another to stare at me.

"Oh shit, my glasses! Jolly, where's my drink, hon?"

"Oh, it's uh...it's over there."

I went and grabbed my glasses out of my purse to put them on. The silver and teal framed glasses sat perfectly on my nose. They were new and had blended lenses. I could see so much better. Walking back out, I walked over to my drinks. I slammed the fireball shot and picked up the other drink. Taking a sip of it, it was perfect.

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