~Chapter Fourteen~

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I had a long phone call with Carley on January 2nd. My book was now titled. The Chronicles of Abagail is what I chose out of the tentative titles that Carley and the book production house offered me. They wanted to leave it open so I could write more! They were giving me a six-book deal. I was floored. There were so many possibilities with this. I was stoked! I told her I was going to go to Georgia to record with Chris soon. She told me as long I told her what was going on, keep her in the loop, etc. she can keep my schedule straight for me and add to it accordingly.

I went ahead and gave her the tour dates and told her not to add anything in between those dates unless it was necessary. She asked me if I was interested in doing a photo shoot and interview with Inked Magazine. I asked her where that came from. She explained that someone from Inked has seen a lot of my photos off of my Instagram and reached out to her. I told her since that was the case I would do it. I knew it would help me get out of my comfort zone more.

After I got off the phone with her, I texted Chris.

I'm yours whenever you need me! Book is in full swing in production now. I got a six-book deal with Red River Productions. The Chronicles of Abagail should make its debut in late February! Don't forget my birthday is coming up, so just plan around that. Love, I

Throwing my phone down, I picked up the paint brush and got back to working on the painting I was doing for him. Kat had also sent me photos of us together, so I was making him a photo collage as well. I had already made a cool frame and mat for him. My phone pinged. Setting the small paint brush down, I picked it up.

That's amazing! I'm so proud and happy for you. So my plan was to get you over here on the 12th. We can go get Friday the 13th tattoos on the 13th. We can work in the studio over the weekend. I would like you to stay and celebrate your birthday with me and then, if you aren't doing anything, you can come be an unofficial stowaway on Shiprocked!

I hadn't even thought about Shiprocked happening. I had gone on this cruise a couple of years ago and it was so much fun.

Chris, are you sure you won't be all up in your business for that long?

Absofuckinglutely! Girl, I love you.

That made me smile.

Let me make sure I'm not needed around here for anything and I will let you know. When is the cruise?

22nd thru 28th

Ok. I'll let you know.

I pulled out my planner and wrote things down. That evening, I shared my planner with my mom. I even called Spencer and told him what all I had going on. All he kept saying to me was how proud he was and to go. I made him promise to message or email me. Mom told me to get out of her house. It was quite funny. So, instead of texting Chris, I decided to call him.

"Hello there," he said silly when he answered.

"Hello," I said in my sexy phone voice.

"Rawr," he said with a chuckle.

"You're so silly."

"I know. I expected a text so I'm happy I got a phone call instead."

"Well, you're welcome."

He laughed.

"So, I have some news."

"Hit me with your best shot."

"I've been kicked out of my house."


I giggled; "She said it in a loving way. Spencer had to go on back because of his job, so he's gone back to school. Mom and I looked at my calendar. She told me there was no sense in me being here unless I just wanted to be here. I can come to you before the 12th, if you choose to do so, sir."

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