~Chapter Nineteen~

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"Mr. Karlsson, may I speak with you," Dr. Carpenter asked as he entered the ICU room where I and Ricky sat.


Always wanting another set of ears, I went and got Len from the waiting room area to listen to him with me, just in case I didn't understand something. He took us into a private room to talk.

"Mr. Karlsson."

"Please, call me Jolly."

"Jolly, do you happen to know your blood type?"
"I believe I am A positive, why?"

"Do either of you know Ingrid's blood type?"

"She is B positive," Len said. "Doc, where are you going with this?"

"We have done several in utero tests on the baby. So far, everything looks okay."

"I sense there is a but coming," Len said.

"Yes, we are assuming due to the trauma that Ingrid's body went through, the womb was traumatized. We were able to test her blood. The baby has something called Rhesus disease. It's treatable after birth, but she will have to have a matching blood type, which is O positive."

Dr. Carpenter fell silent as he looked at Len and then at me.

"Doc, can you give us a moment," Len asked him.

"Sure," he said and patted Len on the shoulder.

Len turned to face me. I was trying to hold it together. Ingrid had been honest with me. She had told me. But this still felt like a punch in the gut.

"Jolly, look at me," Len said gently.

Lifting my head, I looked into Len's soft, hazel eyes.

"Ingrid loves the shit out of you. She chose you. Do you realize when she was trying to talk him down, she called herself Ingrid Karlsson?"

"No," I said and wiped my tears.

"She called herself Ingrid Karlsson, the woman that who has proclaimed on many occasions that she would never get married again called herself Ingrid Karlsson. She thinks this baby is yours. She loves you. She is in love with you. She has been fighting that twin flame connection with Motionless for months. She almost hurt herself trying to break it."

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"Remember when she went to New Orleans right after Shiprocked?"


"She met with Birdie?"


"Birdie normalizes magic. Birdie is the one that opened all that up for her. Jolly," she said and put her hands on my face. "You, Jolly, you are Ingrid's soul mate and no bond can break that. Birdie told her she had never seen a twin flame that powerful before and she's never seen someone meet their twin flame and soul mate at the same time. Ingrid has silently been in anguish for months because of the way she feels about you both. She cannot help it because it is what the universe dealt her. She went without real love for so long that Gaia said, well here ya go sweetheart, I am about to overload you with it and see how you handle it. Chris brings out her youthful, fun side. You, on the other hand, you bring her the serenity she needs. That is what Birdie told me the last time I saw her. I trust Birdie's word, Jolly."

"When you say Ingrid almost hurt herself trying to break her twin flame bond with him, what do you mean?"

"She tried to do a cord cutting."

"What is that?"

"It's when you take two candles that represents two people, and in this instance, it was her and Chris. Chris' candle overpowered hers so bad that she almost had a third degree burn on her hand trying to put it out."

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