Chapter 8

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"Madison. Wake up." I hear someone whisper in my ear. I groan in response. "Come on beautiful. It's 12 you need to get up." I opened my eyes. I realized that my body was on top of Shawn's but he was smiling. I got off. "Sorry I move in my sleep." I said. "It's ok I don't mind. I could actually get use to it." He winked. I blushed. I got out of bed and started to search for some clothes. Then it hit me. "Oh my gosh." I said. "What?" Shawn looked at me. I giggled and jumped on top of him. He was still laying in bed. I straddled him. I put my hands next to his face and bent down. "I didn't have a nightmare." I said be for I kissed him. We broke away when we herd a door slam. I looked up. JJ was the only one in the room. He looked at us. "What's up with Nash?" He asked. I just shrugged.

We were now at Magcon. The boys were goofing off like always so I went by Mahogany aka the Queen. "Hey do you mind if I play some music?" I asked. She nodded and gave me the aux cord. I plugged it into my phone. I found one of my favorite songs. Psychosocial by Slipknot started to play through the speakers. Slipknot is a medal band. All the boys stopped what they were doing and looked at me with confused looks. I was just jamming out though. I was drumming my air drums and scream singing along. I was surprised that some of the fans were dancing along. Those we my kind of fans. The fans with my taste of music. But I love all of my fans. But most of the girls had confused looks on their face. I continued to dance along now switching to my air guitar. Once the song was over I unplugged my phone and went next to the boys. "And this is why we don't let Madison pick the music." Matt said. Everyone laughed. "What can I say. I love my music and I though I should share it. By the way shout out to the fans jamming with me. I saw you my fellow rockers!" I said. I herd a few screams.

Magcon was coming to an end and Shawn just finished singing. "One more thing before everyone else comes out." Shawn said into the mic. "Madison can you come out here?" I gave him a confused look but walked out anyway. I stood next to him. "Last night I had an amazing time. I love everything about you. Your weirdness, your looks, your humor, and even your taste of music. Well I know we only went on one date but I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" Shawn asked. A huge smile came on my face. "I would love to." I said I to the mic. The fans went wild. There were some boos but not much. Shawn set his guitar down and picked me up and spun me around. I wrapped my legs around his wait and my arms around his neck. I bent down and gave him long passionate kiss and the crowed went wild. Shawn stopped spinning and set me down. We both had the biggest smiles on our faces. The boys came out and we wrapped up the show.

After the meet and greet the boys went upstairs but I stayed behind to finish up talking to a fan, Katie. Once I took some pictures and followed Katie on Twitter I headed up stairs. Once I got to the door I heard shouting.

Shawn's POV
"What the hell man!" Nash shouted when we got into our room. "What?" I asked confused. The Jacks were confused to. "You know I like her and you asked her to be your girlfriend. Really dude?" Nash shouted. "Sorry man. Maybe you should and maned up and asked her out first." I yelled. "I can't believe you!" Nash yelled before he tackled me.

Madison's POV
"I can't believe you!" I heard some one yell before I heard a crash. I burst into the room and saw Nash and Shawn fighting. "Stop!" I yelled. I tried to pull Nash off of Shawn but he pushed me. I fell and hit my head in the coffee table. JJ helped me up and I rubbed my head. Shawn was now on top throwing punches. "That's enough!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. They both looked at me. Shawn had a bloody nose and Nash had a bloody lip.they stood up. "What's going on?" I yelled. "Nash was mad because I-" Nash cut him off. "Don't make this worse man." I was super confused now. I walked up to Shawn and touched his face. He flinched. I grabbed his hand and took him into the bathroom. I got a rag and wetted it down. "Sit down." I commanded. He jumped up on to the counter. I dabbed the rag under his nose to clean up the blood. I cleaned up all of the blood and I noticed a bruise forming on his cheek. I lightly touched it and he flinched. "Oh baby." I said. "I like it when you call me that." Shawn whispered. "And I like calling you that." I said. Shawn grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. My hips were against his knees. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my forehead on his. Shawn put his hands on my waist. We stayed like that for awhile. Shawn looked up. "Come here." He whispered. I leaded in. Shawn met me half way. Our lips connected. It was like magic. We pulled apart when some one cleared their throat. It was Nash. "What?" I asked angrily. "I have to use the bathroom." His voice was soft. I glared at him and walked out pulling Shawn out with me.

I pulled Shawn on to the bed and jumped on him. "Where were we." I said. Shawn smirked. "I think right here." Shawn said before he connected our lips. "Get a room!" Jack G yelled. "Um we are in one." I said. "Get another one." He said. "Nope." Was all I said before kissing Shawn again. "We're leaving." JJ said. I didn't even look up. Nash came out of the bathroom and mumbled a goodbye. I ignored him and continued to kiss Shawn. Once Nash left Shawn flipped me over so that he was on top. He licked my bottom lip for entrance but I thought I would tease him so I kept my mouth closed. He tried again but I didn't let him in. He flipped again so I was on top again. He tried again but I though that it was fun to tease him so I denied him access again. Shawn squeezed my but which made me gasp and he slid his tongue in. I felt him smirk. Our tongues fought for dominance. Shawn eventually won. We make out for a little bit before Shawn broke alway. "I know this may sound crazy but Madison Athena Wright I've fallen in love with you." He said. "Well Shawn Peter Raul Mendes I've fallen in love with you." I said and I meant it. "Shawn gave me a long passionate kiss. Some where in out make out session Shawn ended up on top. He broke the kiss and smiled down at me. "I love you." He whispered before He attached his lips to my neck and began to suck. I let out a small moan. The things this boy does to me.

After a while of continuing our make out session we decided to watch Disney movies on Netflix because we are 5 years old. Shawn was using his laptop. I had my head on his chest and he had one arm wrapped around my waist. His other hand was holding the laptop. In the middle of Kuzco's New Groove (my favorite Disney movie) I fell asleep. I dreamt of how perfect my boyfriend was.

I would like to make a special shout out to my friend Glader731 who gave me the idea for the fight! She's writing a poem book and you should check it out! Also please comment and vote! It makes me want to wright more! Thx!

Stitches: a Nash Grier and Shawn Mendes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now