Chapter 13

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I woke up to sun shining in my eyes. I got up and brushed my teeth and hair. No one was in the room. I found a note

Went out to lunch!! Cam stayed behind, hangout with him!

It was written in his sloppy handwriting. I got up and went to Cam's room. I knocked. "Hey gurl!" He said when he opened the door. Cam let me in and we sat down on his bed. "What are you doin?" I asked. "Going through Twitter." He said. I rolled my eyes. I guess I will just get on Tumblr. After about five minutes Cam sat up. "What the?" He said. "What?" I asked, confused. He showed my his phone. It was a tweet.
@RacheBabe26: hey! You guys know innocent Madison @BB_Queen right? Well she's not so innocent. When she was just 14 she got pregnant and had and abortion. #slutymaddy

I knew her. She's my biggest bully. This can't be happening. There was so many comments.
@magcon4life: wow she's a bitch.#slutymaddy
@shawnesbae: slut! #slutymaddy
And more. #slutymaddy was trending worldwide. "No! No!" I scream/sobbed. "It's true?" Cam asked. I couldn't answer I just kept mumbling no. "No no no no no." I mumbled to my self. Tears were falling from my face. I ran out of the room. I ran into my room and into the bathroom. I quickly grabbed my razor. I started to cut on my stomach. I don't even know how many I made. I finally put the razor. I couldn't stay here. I went to the only place I could think of. The roof.

Nash's POV
I walked into Cam and I's room. I went back early. "Hey man." I said. "Dude. Madison has some sick secrets. She's not as good as we thought." He said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. Cam showed me a tweet. "Oh my gosh. Where is she?" I asked frantically. It wasn't true and now people hate her. She's in such a fragile state right now. Anything could break her. "I don't know. I showed her the tweet and she ran out." Cam said. "Oh no!" I ran out of our room and straight to Madison's room. I didn't knock I just ran right in. I checked the bathroom. She wasn't there but I saw her razor. There was blood on it. Where could she be? "Think think!" I said to my self. The roof. I ran out of the room. I sprinted up the steps to the roof. I threw the door open. Then I saw her. She was standing in the edge of the roof. "Madison!" I yelled. She turned around. "Please step away." I said. "I can't do it any more. People think I'm a monster. That I got pregnant because I'm such a slut and then I killed my baby. I just can't live with that." She said. She had tears streaming down her face. I slowly stepped towards her so she won't just jump. I was only a few feet away now. "Come in Madison. Step away from the edge." I said reaching for her. "I'm sorry." She leaned back. "No!" I yelled. I jumped after her. I manage to grab her shirt. Half my body was hanging off the roof. "Let go of me!" She yelled. She was just dangling. The only thing that kept her from falling was me. "Hold on to my hand." I yelled. "Just let go!" She cried. "Madison if you go down then so do I." I said. She looked at me. She slowly reached her hand up and grabbed the hand that was not holding her shirt. I yanked her up and over the edge. She was crying harder. We were both laying on the roof. I sat up and tried to pull her into me. She yanked away from me. I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. "Stop! Let go of me! I hate you!" She yelled. I didn't listen. Her back was against my chest. I crossed her arms across her chest and wrapped my legs around her. She continued to try to get away from me but she eventually gave up. She continued to cry. "Shh it's okay." I whispered. I kissed her forehead. She kept mumbling "I hate you. I hate you." A few tears slipped down my face. I almost lost the love of my life.

Madison's POV
"Please don't tell anybody." I whispered. The tears finally stopped. "I promise." Nash said. "Why couldn't you just let me jump." I asked. "Because I love you." He said. "I love you to-" I started but Nash interrupted me. "No Madison. I'm in love with you. Any time I see you with Shawn I get jealous. Any when I look at you I can't think straight. And that kiss. Oh that kiss. You can't tell me you didn't feel anything." He said. Of corse I felt some thing but I couldn't tell him that I have a boyfriend that I love. I turned around and looked at him. "Nash.." I started. "No Madison. Tell my you didn't feel anything. I know you did." He said. "Nash, I didn't feel anything." It hurt to say but I couldn't tell him. His grip on me loosened. He wouldn't look at me. "Nash." I said. He stood up. "No it's fine." He said. He still wouldn't look at me. I felt like crying so I got up and quickly walked back to my room.

Once I got back into the room Shawn was there. "Madison." He said. I burst into tears again. "We have to tell them." I said. "I'll go get them." Shawn stood up and left. I started to pace around the room. I was so scared to tell them. The boys walked in. All of them including Nash. They wouldn't look at me. They thought I was a monster too. "Hey guys so I'm sure you've all seen the tweet." I said. They just nodded. Man they really hate me now. "Well I thought I should tell you what happened, wheat really happened." I said. A few looked at me with confusion. "Well when I was 14 I was kidnapped and raped.." I went on and told the whole story of the masked man and what he did. I also told them about Rilynn. "And the girl who posted the tweet was one of my biggest bully's. I'm not a monster I promise." I finished. I flood of apologies came my way. I smiled. They didn't hate me. "Shut up and group hug!" I said. Everyone wrapped there arms around me. It hurt a little because of the cuts I made."Now I guess I have to tell the whole world my dirty secret." I said. "Let's start with Magcon that's in.." I checked my watch. "30 minutes!!" I yelled. Everyone ran back to their rooms and got dresses. Luckily I'm skilled at getting ready really fast. I might forget to set my alarm a lot. Maybe. I got dressed and put on some make up. I was ready to go. "Let's do this." I whispered to myself and I left.

Stitches: a Nash Grier and Shawn Mendes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now