Chaper 21

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Nash's POV
The boys and I have been waiting for 20 minutes until a nurse came out. "Family and friends of Madison Wright?" She said. We all stood up. "We were able to get her heart beating again. She's in surgery right now. The bullet hit a major vein in her shoulder. We have to monitor her very closely. She's lucky that she didn't die well, stay dead." She said and walked out. I felt so relieved. She's alive that's all that matters and that she said she loved me. I know she's said it before but I didn't believe her. But now I do. Her last words were going to be 'I love you' and she was talking to me. We all sat down and waited.

It was now 3 am. All the boys went back to the hotel but I refused to leave. The nurse walked back out. "Madison is stable and can take visitors now." The nurse said. I got up and followed her. She lead me down a small hallway. "This room." She pointed to door 203. I walked in. Madison looked like an angel. A pain angle but and angle nonetheless. Her beautiful hair covered part of her face. Her freckles seemed darker against her pain completion. She look gorgeous like always. She was sleeping. I pulled a chair up right next to her bed and took her small hand in mine. I kissed her hand lightly. "I thought I lost you." I whispered. "I could never leave you." I heard. I looked up to see Madison awake. I smiled. She scooted over and patted the empty space in the bed. I climbed in next to her. "I feel like such a badass, a broken arm and a bullet hole!" Madison said. I laughed. "Leave it to you to make a joke about getting shot." I said. She giggled. God I love her giggle. We just sat there in silence, staring at each other. I want nothing more in this world but to call her mine. She scooted closer to me. Our faces were almost touching. "Hey." She whispered. A small smile formed on her face. "Hi." I smiled back. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. She buried her head into my chest. It was like we were made for each other. Our body's just fit perfectly together. I kissed the top of her head before we both drifted off to sleep.

Madison's POV
I woke up to the sound of a picture being taken. I looked up to see Shawn taking a picture of me and Nash sleeping. A second later my phone informed me that I had a new Twitter notification. I reached back behind me, careful to not come out of Nash's arms. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. It was a tweet from Shawn.

@shawnmendes: look at these two best friends! #goals #ishipit #getwellsoonmadison

Attached was a picture of Nash and I all snuggled up. I screenshot the picture and set it as my screensaver. I was about to go back to sleep when Nash started to stir. "Morning princess." He said in his oh so sexy morning voice. "How's the shoulder?" He asked. "Hurts like a bitch but I'll live." I said. "So you don't cry when you brake your arm and you don't cry when you get shot. Do you just not feel pain?" He asked. "I've gotten good at hiding the pain." I whisper so only he could hear it. His face fell. He kissed my forehead and looked down at me. "Your amazing." He said. "Awwwww! Nash is being all mushy!" Taylor yelled. I laughed. "So who wants to get me subway?" I asked. Shawn stood up. "Here." I said giving him a 20 dollar bill. He took it and left.

The boys and I just chatted till Shawn came back. "Food!" I yelled. He set the bag on my lap. "Do I have any change?" I asked. Shawn pulled my 20 dollars out of his back pocket. "You little shit." I said. "You just got shot. I'm not letting you pay." Shawn said. I just shook my head and pulled my sub out. "I'm pretty sure you are 90% subway." Nash said. "Probably." I nodded. Nash was still in the bed next to me. We had the bed elevated so we were sitting up at like a 70* angle. "Want a bite?" I asked holding my sub up to Nash's face. Nash leaned in and took a big bite out of my sub. I laughed because he had sauce on his nose. I got my phone out and took a picture of it. "That's too cute." I said. "Shush!" Nash said causing me to laugh more. "You've got some on the corner of your mouth." Nash said. He took his thumb and rubbed my bottom lip. How incredibly sweet and hot. We kind of just stared at each other. "Oh would you look at the time. Magcon is about to start. Nash I'm sure you will want to stay here. We're going to leave now." Cam said. All of the boys rushed out of the room. I'm sure they felt awkward after witnessing what ever it was that just happened. Nash and I still haven't broken eye contact. "Your beautiful." Nash said. "Is that all?" I asked. "No your so much more. You talented, your funny, sweet, and your an amazing person and I love you." Nash said.
My heart skipped a beat when he said he loved me. Nash cupped the side of my face and leaned in. Our lips were just about to touch when someone came barging in. "Ok Madison." It was the doctor. We quickly pulled away. "Your looking fine we are going to have to put your arm in a sling to help with your recovery. And it looks like you can leave after that." He said completely oblivious to what he just interrupted. I smiled. "Cool. Now I will have a cast on my left arm and a sling on my right." I said. "Alright we can get that sling on you in about 2 hours." The doctor said before leaving. I smiled. "So what do you want to do for the next two hours?" Nash asked. I smiled at him. "Cuddle with you." I said. He smiled. I kissed his cheek and we laid back down. "Here." Nash said giving me one of his headphones. I happily took it and placed it in my ear. He handed me his phone so I could pick a song. I scrolled through his songs till I found perfect one. I smiled and clicked on it. Absolutely by Nine Days started to softly play in our ears. It was a song about a guy falling in love with the broken girl. I looked up and saw Nash smiling down at me. I lightly kissed his jaw. Who said I couldn't be a little flirtatious? I looked up at him and his eyes were big. I smirked before I buried my head into his neck.

Nash's POV

The things this girl does to me.

Hey y'all!! Madison here!! The picture at the top is Nash's face when she kissed his jaw! 😆 please vote and comment!!!

Stitches: a Nash Grier and Shawn Mendes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now