Chapter 16

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"Madison. Wake up." Someone said. "Noooo." I responded. The person chuckled. "Come on Magcon is going to start in an hour and a half." They said. I groaned. The person kissed my forehead. "Wake up." They said again. "Shawn, l will get up in a second just leave me alone." I said. "It's not Shawn." I peaked one eye open and there stood Nash. "Shawn already got ready and went to subway." Nash informed me. "That bitch ass hoe!" I yelled. "Who's a bitch ass hoe?" I looked past Nash to see Shawn standing there. "You." I said. "Why? I brought you your usual form subway." He said defensively. "I love you!" I yelled jumping up and tackling him into a hug. "First I'm a bitch ass hoe and now you love me." Shawn said. I giggled. "Well I thought you got subway with out me." I said. "That would make me a bitch ass hoe." Shawn agreed. I stood up on my tippy toes and pecked his lips. "I love you." I said to him. "I'm uh going to go." Nash said. He stepped around us and walked out.

I quickly ate half of my sub (I was saving the rest for later) and jumped into the shower. I let the hot water run down my body. It felt so good but unfortunately I couldn't enjoy it for long. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body before I stepped out. As I stepped out of the shower my foot slipped. I fell to the ground and landed on my arm. I felt it snap. I yelled out in pain. I heard banging on the door. "Madison? Are you okay?" Shawn asked frantically from the other side of the door. I had locked it. "I broke my arm." I said. "Let me in." Shawn demanded. "I'm naked." I argued. "So you need help." He said. I slowly got up careful not to hit my arm. I unlocked the door and Shawn quickly opened it. "We need to get you to the hospital." He said. "I need clothes first I said. Shawn nodded and went to my bag. He handed me a pair of leggings, my cage the elephant shirt, a bra, and underwear. I carefully out my underwear and pants on with one hand but it was pretty easy. The tops on the other hand were a pain in the ass. I got part of my bra on when I had to lift the broken arm and put it through the arm hole. I couldn't lift my arm. "Shit." I whispered to my self. "Shawn?" I yelled. "Yeah babe?" He asked from the other side of the door. "I-I can't get my bra or shirt on." I said nervously. "Do you need help?" He asked. I could hear the amusement in his voice. "Yeah." I said. I covered my boobs as he walks in. "Okay. So let's put your broken arm through the first arm hole first." Shawn said holding my bra up. Shawn took the hand that was attached to my broken arm and carefully put it through the hole. "Now your other one." Shawn said. I don't want to let go of my boobs but I guess I had to. I let go and quickly shoved my arm through. Shawn went behind me and clasped my bra together. "You know you shouldn't be ashamed of your body. Your gorgeous." Shawn whispered in my ear. For some reason I didn't like what he said. Shawn helped me out my shirt and shoes on and we left. We got a taxi and went to the hospital. I texted the boys and told them what happened.

"So you broke your arm pretty bad. Your going to have to be in a cast for about 8-10 weeks. Do you want your cast to be a certain color?" The doctor said/asked. "Green." I said. "Ok follow me and we will get that taken care of. After I got my cast on we went back to the hotel. We missed all of Magcon. When Shawn and I got back to our room everyone was there. "There she is!" Cam yelled. "Shawn how much did she cry?" Taylor asked. I rolled my eyes. "She didn't actually." Shawn responded. "Our little trouper." Nash said. Another eye roll. Animus came running up to me. I scooped her up into my arms and kissed the top of her head. "Animus is so well behaved." Matt said. "I know." I said smiling at her. I sat down on the bed with Animus in my lap. I pet her while everyone talked. My broken arm began to itch. "Agh! Why? Why do good things happen to good people?" I cry out. Everyone gave me weird looks. "My arm itches." I tell them. "Ahh." Everyone said. "Here's a spork." Nash said. "Where did you get a spork?" I asked but I took the spork and stuck it up my cast. I felt immediate relief. "Places." Nash simply responded. I gave him a weird look but he just shrugged. I chuckled to my self me put the spork down.

Our flight leaves at 11:30 pm tonight. It was now 8:30. We all got into the vans and drive to my moms house so we could say good bye to my mom and brothers. After we left my mothers we went straight to the air port. We all got checked in and went to our terminal. We still had about and hour. I laid my head on Nash's shoulder. Shawn was sitting by Taylor. "Do you want to listen to some music?" Nash asked. "Sure." I said. He handed me a head phone and I stuck it into my ear. Mama by My Chemical Romance started to play. I looked at Nash. "I have a playlist of all your favorites." Nash explained. I smiled but it faded away. Shawn doesn't have a playlist for me.

We soon boarded the plane. Shawn didn't sit by me which kind of upset me. I sat in a window seat next to Nash. I laid my head on Nash's shoulder and listened to my playlist on his phone. I smiled and drifted to sleep.

Stitches: a Nash Grier and Shawn Mendes fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz