Chapter 11

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// one month later//

One month I've been in Magcon. Almost one month that I've been with Shawn. Only two more days. I haven't seen my mom or brothers in a month because we've been on the road but we are going to my home town of Nashville Tennessee for Magcon so I get to see them. (She has a slight southern accent). We are currently on a plane, flying to Nashville Tennessee. Shawn had his head on my shoulder. He was asleep. He looks so cute when he sleeps. I took a picture. To my right was a little girl. She was flying alone and she was only like 6 years old. I put my phone away and soon fell asleep.

I woke up to shaking. No one was shaking me, it was the plane. Turbulence. Great. "Lady's and gentlemen no need to worry just a little turbulence." I've been on so many planes that I'm use to it now. The little girl next to me was freaking out. "Hey it's okay sweetie. It's nothing to be scared of." I said to her. She was crying. "But what if we crash." She said in a shaky voice. "You know I was scared of that when I first started flying but you know what I did?" I asked. She shook her head. "I would squeeze onto this." I said pulling out my small teddy bear that I have had since I was a baby. "Because I knew that with this I would be safe. He always made sure that I was safe. And I always would be. Whenever I had Brownie nothing bad ever happened. And I think he needs someone new to take care of. It's kind of his job. Do you want to be his new owner. I think it would make him very happy." I said. A smile grew on her face. She nodded her head. I gave her Brownie. I will miss him but she needed him more. She squeeze Brownie with all her might and quickly fell asleep. I smiled. I love kids. "That was extremely sweet. I know how much you love that bear." I turned my head to see that Shawn was awake. I wrapped my arms around his chest. "She needed him more than me. Plus I have a new bear that I can squeeze." I said as I squeezed Shawn. He chuckled. I put my head phones in and Shawn went back to sleep.

The plane landed finally. Shawn was still asleep. I tried to wake him up but it was useless. "Hey Emily. Do you want to wake my boyfriend up?" I asked. Emily was the little girl. She nodded her head eagerly. She got up and stepped past me and right in front of Shawn. She took her hands and grabbed Shawn's cheeks and jiggled them. She was cracking up and so was I. Shawn's eyes flew open. He looked really confused. I laughed harder. "Thank you for the wake up." Shawn said to Emily. She giggled. Everyone started to file off the plane. Emily was right in front of me. Once she got off the plane and sprinted to a woman. "Mommy!" She yelled. She jumped into her mothers arms. "Bye Madison!" She yelled as she walked away with her moms. She held brownie in her hand. "Madison." I heard someone yell. I turned my head to see my older brother. "Dru!" I yelled. I ran too him and tackled him into a hug. "I missed you." I said still hugging him. "I missed you too." He said. I pulled away and looked behind me. Shawn was standing there. "Dru this is Shawn. My boyfriend. Yay." I said. My brother has always been supper protective of me. I have no idea how he was going to react to me having a boyfriend. "Hello nice to finally meet you." Shawn said sticking his hand out for Dru to shake it. Dru doesn't say anything but he did shake his hand. I rolled my eyes. "Where's mom?" I asked. "At home cooking dinner." Dru said. "Well what are we waiting for lets go!" I yelled.

All of the boys were coming. Shawn, Nash, and I were riding with my brother. The rest were riding in two vans. I grabbed Shawn's hand and ran out of the airport. I found my brothers truck. Luckily it has two rows so everyone can fit. I threw open the back door and climbed in. I pulled Shawn in with me. "Kiss me before my brother gets hear." I said. Shawn grabbed my face a kissed me. I deepened the kiss. Someone pulled me away. "Nope." I heard my brother say. "Dru." I whined. Dru pulled me out of the truck and put me in the front seat. Nash was laughing as he climbed into the back seat. "I'm not a child." I said. "Sure you are baby sis." Dru said. "You are a year and 5 days older than me." I argued. "Doesn't matter." Dru said. I crossed my arms. "Doesn't matter. Nah nah na." I mocked him.

The airport was only 20 minutes away from my house so we got there soon. I jumped out of the truck and ran inside. "Killian!" I yelled when I saw him. "Madison!" He said back. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug. "Can't breath." I managed to get out. I laughed and ran into the kitchen. "Mom!" I yelled. She turned around. "Hey honey." She said she gave me a quick hug but quickly went back to cooking. "Yasss pork chops!" I said when I saw all the pork chops she was preparing. Shawn walked into the kitchen. "Mom. This is Shawn. My amazing boyfriend." I said. She turned around her eyes got big. "It's happening. It's finally happening!" She yelled. "Hi I'm Marianne." She said. "Shawn." He stuck him hand out and my mom shook his hand. "Well I'm going to show him my room." I said taking Shawn's hand and walking backwards out I of the kitchen. I ran upstairs with Shawn. I opened my door to see my still very clean room. "I'm so glad to be home." I said. "I'm so glad to be with you." Shawn said as he grabbed my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Shawn leaned in and kissed me. "Nope. Nope. Nope. No." I heard from behind me. Some one picked me up and dragged me away from Shawn. "Dru!" I yelled. He carried me all the way down stairs and threw me on the couch. "No." He said one more time before he walked away. I rolled my eyes and stood up. The door bell rang. I ran to the door and opened it. There stood Jack J, Jack G, Matt, Carter, Aaron, Hayes, Taylor, and Cam. "Come on in guys." I said.

After dinner everyone except Shawn and Nash left. They were staying here. It was getting late so everyone was getting ready to go to bed. I have been nightmare free seance the first night I slept with Shawn. Nash was sleeping in the living room and Shawn was sleeping with me. My brother threw a fit over that but he eventually gave up on trying to get us to separate. I changed into my pjs while Shawn changed in my bathroom. I finished changing and flopped onto my bed. A minute later Shawn came out in sweatpants and no shirt. I've never slept with a shirtless Shawn Mendes (vine reference). Shawn was definitely muscular. He was so hot. I stared. "Like what you see?" Shawn said. "Shut up if I didn't have a shirt on you'd be starting too." I said. "That can be arranged." Shawn winked. "Shawn!" I yelled. We both laughed and Shawn crawled into bed next to me. He pulled me on top of his chest. "I like when you sleep here." Shawn said. I laughed at his cuteness. I leaned down and kisses him. This time no one *cough cough Dru* interrupted us. So naturally we made out. After a while I just laid my head on Shawn's chest and fell asleep on his bare chest.

Stitches: a Nash Grier and Shawn Mendes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now