Chapter 23

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*3 weeks later*
I woke up to my alarm clock. Today was the first day of hell aka school. It's been three weeks since Nash and I have had an actual conversation and it's tearing me apart. My depression has gotten worse but no ones noticed. Animus came running into the room. She was getting bigger but she was still small. I wasn't going to take her to school. I didn't want to look like a bigger freak. I sighed and dragged my self out of bed. Getting out of bed has been a daily struggle lately. I brush my hair and teeth and throw on some random clothes. I head down stairs. My brother is sitting at the table eating cereal. "Are you ready for your first day of your junior year?" Dru asked. I just stared blankly at him. "Guess not." He said. "Hurry up and finish eating or we will be late." I said. Dru scarfed down the rest of his cereal and we went outside to his truck. The ride to school was silent.

I've gone all day with out getting bullied. It was starting to worry me. I headed outside to my brothers truck. "Hey Madison!" Some one yelled. I turned around to see Rachel and her "friends". Great. This is was what I was afraid of. "Did you really think we would just let your first day be all peachy?" She asked. I just rolled my eyes. Rachel stepped up and slapped me. I've given up on fighting back. "Aren't you going to do something?" She asked. I shook my head. She pushed me to the ground. Rachel and her friends huddled around me and began to kick. A kick to the side, one to the stomach, another to my head. Kicks landed every where on my body but I just laid there. I've just given up. "Hey get away from her!" I recognized that voice as my brothers. The girls all ran away. I was too sore to move. Dru picked me up and carried me to his truck. He laid me down and jumped in. My head was in his lap as we drove. Once we got home Dru carried me inside. "Mom!" He yelled. My mom came rushing in. "Oh my god." She gasped. "What happened?" She asked. "She's been getting bullied but I didn't know it was this bad." Dru said. "She can't go there anymore." My mom said. "There is no other school around." My brother stated. By this time I was staining up by myself well, I had to lean on Dru. "Then we will move. Out of this state. I hate living here anyway. Madison you pick. Where do you want to move to?" She asked. I thought about it. "Moorseville North Carolina." I say.

Three days later it's goodbye Tennessee hello North Carolina. My mom managed to find a nice house within our price range and it was in Moorseville. Those three days all of us stayed home and packed. Mom didn't want us to miss to many days of school so she wanted to hurry up and move. It was a long drive and we had two moving vans and our car. Luckily I had gotten my license and could drive Dru's truck while mom got a van and Dru got a van. Moms car was already at the house because she had two of her friends drive up there for her. I still had bruises all over my body. I had a black eye, bruised cheek, and a split lip and my face so on the first day of school I'm going to look fucking fantastic. After hours of driving we finally arrived. All of us even Killian grabbed boxes and carried them in. One of our neighbors, a newly wed couple, came over and welcomed us to the neighborhood and helped with some of the boxes. The other neighbors don't seem to be home. We not only had boxes but furniture too. Eventually we got everything in and in the right room but just not unpacked. It was now 8:00 pm.

I started to unpack some of my stuff. I got all my bed sheets out and made my bed. I put up some pictures, most were of Nash and I. I put my favorite one on my mirror. It was of Nash and I at the Dallas Magcon in our nerd outfits. The picture was taken when Nash and I were laughing outer butts off about something. I smiled at the picture. I continues to in pack I was actually almost done. I heard car doors slamming. I looked at the clock 11:57. That must be our other neighbors. I ran to my window since it was facing their house. I looked out and saw a car in their drive way but I was too late to see anyone. A light came on from the window right across from mine. I dropped to the floor. Their blinds were open and I didn't want them to see me. I slowly peeked over my windowsill. There stood a boy but his back was turned towards me. "Turn around. Come on just move your feet and turn around." I whispered to myself. As if me heard me the boy started to turn around. When I saw his face I almost choked on air. "Nash?"

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