Chapter 32

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"You hit me once I hit you back, you gave a kick I gave a smack, you smashed a plate over my head and I set fire your bed." Kiss With A Fist by Florence and The Machine started to play. I reached for my phone to turn my phone alarm off but a pair of arms stopped me. I turned around to see Nash. Fuck. "Nash let go of me now." I said. Nothing. "Shawwwwwn!" I whined. "Whaaaaat?" He asked. "Throw water on Nash. I didn't even say he could sleep with me. Oh and vine it too." I said. I heard Shawn get up and go into the bathroom. I heard the water turn on then turn off. Shawn walked around the bed and stood in front of me. "Ok try not to get any in me." I said. Shawn nodded. "Hand me my phone." I said. Shawn gave me my phone and I got on vine. "One two three go!" I said. Shawn splashed the cup of water on Nash's face. Nash sprang up. I fell to the floor but I was laughing my head off. This is the most I've laughed in months. I got all of it on vine. The last part of the video was me falling off the bed. Shawn helped me up and we highfived each other. Nash glared at us. "What you wouldn't let go and I never said you could sleep with me." I told Nash. Nash huffed and got up. I would be lying if I said I didn't still love him. That's why it hurts so much.

Being around the boys definitely makes it hard to sad. They're all trying to make me laugh and smile. Is my depression really that noticeable? "Hey Madison!" Matt yelled. I turned around and he started to act like a dinosaur. I laughed a little. They are all suck dorks but you gotta love them. "Hey Madison. I want to sing you a song." Shawn pulls out his guitar and began to strum. "Finally I figured it out but it took a long long time." Shawn began to sing one of my favorite songs All For You by Sister Hazel. I got butterflies in my stomach when he sang. Oh please no. Please don't be falling for him all over again. Shawn hit the chorus and I felt myself fall down the rabbit hole of love. Shit. I'm in love with two boys. Im screwed.

Magcon starts in a few minutes and we are doing sound check. I couldn't look Shawn or Nash in the eye. "Hey Matt can I ask you something?" I asked. Matt was probably one of my closest friends here. He was like an older brother to me. "Yeah sure what's up?" He replied. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight? I don't want boy drama." I say. "Of corse Madison. You're like a sister to me. I love you." I smile. "Love you too Espisaurus-Rex" I say. Matt chuckled. The fans started to pile in so we got ready to go onto stage. Mahogany called everyone's names and the show began.

"Okay guys we are going to be answering some of y'all's questions." I sad into the mic. Everyone cheered. "Ok guys just tweet to the magcon Twitter account and we will show them on the big screen behind us and we will answer your questions." I said. I saw most of the girls get out their phones and start to type. The first tweet showed on the screen behind us. Nash read is. "This ones from Alissa. It says: Hey guys! Madison, I was wondering what is is like to be on tour with all of the guys." I smiled. "Well first hi Alissa thanks for the question, and it is really fun being in tour with the guys, they are such goofballs and I love all of them a lot. We truly are family." I said. There were some awes. "Ok next one is from Ashley, she says: Nash didn't really cheat on you. I'm sorry I just wanted him back." I read. Wait? Nash was telling the truth? I feel so bad. I felt tears forming in my eyes. How could I not believe him. I'm an awful person. I ran off stage before anyone saw me cry.

"Madison!" I heard Nash yell from behind me. I couldn't stop the tears. I felt so bad for not trusting Nash. Nash grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. He had the biggest smile on his face. "See I told you. I can't believe Ashley confessed but now we can get back together." Nash said. I shook my head. "No Nash I can't."I said. His face fell. "What? Why? I didn't cheat, Ashley confessed." Nash was clearly confused. "Nash as much as it hurts me to say this, you deserve someone better. Someone who will trust you." I said. "Shouldn't I be the one that decides if I need someone better. And you know what Madison there is no one better than you. You are the love of my life please don't do this." Nash said. He had tears running down his face. "I'm sorry Nash." I whispered before turning around. Nash grabbed my arm before I could leave and pulled me to him. Nash crashed his lips against mine. I almost melted. I've wanted nothing more over the past few months than to feel his lips against mine but I can't do this. I pulled away. "I'm sorry." I said before running down the hallway and out of the hotel.

As I walked down the street I thought about nothing and everything. I thought about Nash, Shawn, Animus, everyone in my life. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going or what time it was. When I finally looked up and looked around I had no clue where I was. I checked my phone for the time. 8:03. Dang it's going to get dark soon. I walked into a small coffee shop. I texted Matt.
From me:
Where you at?
From Matt:
The guys and I are eating dinner at some restaurant. Shawn's the only one that stayed.
From me:
Ok bye.
I didn't want to interrupt his dinner. So I had no choice but to call Shawn. I dialed his number and it started to ring. "Hey what's up?" Shawn answered. "Hey could you come and pick me up. I don't know where I am and it's about to get dark." I say. "Yeah I'll take one of the vans. Uh are you some where?" Shawn asked. "I'm at a small coffee shop called The Coffee Cat." I reply. "Ok I'll look up directions I'm on my way." Shawn said. "Ok see you soon. Bye." I said before hanging up the phone.

40 minutes later Shawn walked into the coffee shop. I waved to him. "How did you walk this far?" Shawn asked. "I had a lot on my mind." I shrugged. "Ok well we should probably go." Shawn said. I nodded my head and got up. We walked outside and got into the van. Shawn drove us back to the hotel. Once we got there we went up to the room. I laid down on my bed. I grabbed my laptop and logged into Netflix. "Hey do you want to watch a movie with me?" I asked Shawn. "Sure." I scooted over to make room for Shawn. "We should watch the Little Mermaid." I said. "That was shall." Shawn agreed. I chuckled at his choice of words.

We were at the part of the movie where Arial and Prince Eric were in the boat and Sebastiene was singing Kiss The Girl. "Hey." Shawn said. I looked over at him. "Yeah?" I asked. "I'm going to take the lobsters advice." I gave him a confused look. "Wha-" I was cut off by Shawn's lips. I don't know why but I kissed back. I felt butterflies in my stomach and little fireworks went off around us. Shawn moved my laptop and pulled me on top of him, never breaking the kiss. I felt like I could kiss him for forever but forever came early when the door opened. I looked up and saw Nash.

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting! I've been busy and by busy I mean staying up to literally 8 am on the Internet and then sleeping all day. It's like 2 am when I'm posting this so once again sorry! Please vote and comment if makes me want to wright more! Love you guys!

Stitches: a Nash Grier and Shawn Mendes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now