Chapter 9

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my good friend i_love_magcon_boys12 she's amazing! Please follow her! <3

I woke up to my phone dinging telling me that I have a new notification. I tried to roll over to grab my phone but Shawn had a death grip on me. I tried to sit up but failed. I leaned forward, stretched my arms out and kicked my legs but it was useless. I was trapped. I heard some giggles. Yes giggles. I turned my head to see the Jacks watching my struggle. "Hand me my phone." I whispered. JJ got up and handed me my phone. I saw that I had a new notification from Twitter.

@jackjackjohnson: aww look at the two love birds! <3 @BB_queen & @ShawnMendes
(P.s BB_queen is Madison's Twitter and vine it stands for Breaking Benjamin her favorite band)

Attached was a picture of Shawn and I not 10 minutes ago in the same position we are in now with Shawn's arms wrapped protectively around me. My back was against his chest and we were asleep. I favorited it and retweeted it. I also took a screenshot of the picture it was really cute. I didn't want to wake Shawn up so I just went through tumbler. About an hour later I felt Shawn start to move. "Morning." He said in a low rough voice. God his morning voice is sexy. "Thank you." He said. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked. "Mhmm." Shawn buried his head into the crook of my neck and lightly kissed it. I giggled. It tickled. "Did that tickle?" Shawn asked. "Yeah." I said. Shawn began leaving small light kisses all over the back of my neck. I erupted into a fit of giggles. "Oy! Stop doing cute couple stuff!" Jack G yelled. "Aren't you part of a couple?" I asked. "No Sarah cheated on me." He said. I could hear the heart break in his voice. "I'm so sorry Jack." He just shrugged. I turned around to face Shawn. "Hey." I said. "Hi." He replied. We just stared at each other, lost in one another's eyes. I brought my hand up to his face and rubbed my thumb on his cheek. "Your too cute." Shawn said. "Your too hot." I fired back. "Your too beautiful." "Too handsome." "Too gorgeous." "Too sexy." "Too perfect." Shawn said. "You win this round Mendes." I said. Shawn pulled my closer to him. I don't think we could be any closer. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you." I said. I don't like saying I love you too. It just sounds like your agreeing with the other person, not actually saying it. "I want to kiss you." Shawn said. "Then d-" I was cut off by Shawn's lips. I instantly kissed back. We broke apart and smiled at each other. I looked at my phone. 12. "I want some lunch." I whined. "My too." Shawn said in an equally whiny voice. "Subway?" I asked. "Subway." He confirmed. "Maybe subway will be our always." I said referencing The Fault In Our Stars. Shawn laughed at my silliness. We got up and got dressed. I wanted to do some thing different today. I put on a black crop top and some ripped up shorts. I haven't cut since Magcon started so I covered the scars up with makeup and they were barely noticeable. I brushed my teeth and straightened my hair. I put on my normal makeup and walked out of the bathroom. "Damn. You look great babe. Dark yet sexy." Shawn said. "You don't look too bad your self." I said. He was wearing a plain black shirt and skinny jeans. Simple but oh so hot. I put my wallet in my back pocket and we left the hotel.

Subway was within walking distance. We walked down the street and Shawn slid his hand in my back pocket. I thought it was super cute. Once we got to subway I ordered my regular. A pizza sub on Italian herbs and cheese bread, toasted, with lettuce, American cheese, mayo, and a lot of Sriracha sauce. Yum! Shawn ordered his sub. We got some chips and drinks too. I got rootbeer and Shawn got Dr.Pepper. We got to the cash register. I reached into by back pocket to get my wallet but it wasn't there. "Oh my Gash! Shawn! I can't find my wallet. It was in by back pocket it must've fallen out. I'm so screwed! We have to go look for it!" I said. Panic was clear in my voice. "Babe relax." Shawn handed the cashier his money. He then pulled out my wallet from his pocket. "How? When? What?" I was really confused. Then it hit me. "Gasp! When you put your hand in my pocket!" Yes I really did just say gasp. Shawn smirked. "I knew you were going to try to pay. I couldn't have my girl pay." He said. I playfully hit him. We got our food and left. "Want to eat this at the park down the road?" Shawn asked. "Nah... Race ya!" I yelled and started to sprint to the park. I had my sub in one hand and my drink in the other. I was almost to the park when I tripped and fell. My drink when every where. I whimpered and just laid down on the side walk. I herd Shawn run up, laughing his butt off. "My rootbeer." I cried. "Aww come on get up. I'll share mine." Shawn said. He extended his hand to help me up. I took it but yanked him down. He fell and I got up and ran the rest of the way to the park. "I won!" I shouted. Shawn came slowly after me. "That's not fair." He pouted. "I'm not sharing my drink with you." He said hiding his drink in his arms. "No please I'm sorry. I'll do anything!" I said. A smirk grew on Shawn's face. "Feed me." He said. "What?" I asked. "Feed me my sub and chips." Shawn said. I rolled my eyes. "I was expecting to have to give you a kiss." I said. "Well you could also do that." He said. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I brought my face close to his. Our noses were barely touching. Shawn leaned in more but I backed up. "I'm good." I said. "Tease." He mumbled. We sat down at a picnic table. I got half of Shawn's sub out and held up to his face. He went to take a bite but I I smashed the whole thing in his face. I burst out in laughter. He had mayo, lettuce, mustard, and several other thing all over his face. I quickly got out my phone and took a picture. "My sub!" Shawn yelled. "Sorry?" I said. "Sorry my ass." I couldn't help but laugh. Shawn tried to wipe the stuff off his face but it only made it worse. I laughed harder. "Oh you think it's funny?" Shawn said. I tried to hide my smile. Shawn grabbed my face with his hands that had food all over them. I gasped. I took half my sub and threw it at him. He grabbed part of his smashed sub and threw it at me. We had a small food fight with half of our subs. We had food in our hair, all over our faces, and on our close. We couldn't stop laughing. "At least we have our chips, half of our subs, and your drink." I said. He laughed and we finished our food. It was around 4 when we left the park. I was glad we didn't have Magcon today. We walked back to the hotel hand in hand. We still had food all over us so we got some weird looks. We just laughed. We got stopped by some fans that wanted our pictures. So we took some pictures and signed some stuff.

Once we got into our room all the boys were there. "What happened to you guys?" Cam asked. "Food fight." I simply said. Shawn and I I took a selfie. I posted it on Twitter

@BB_queen: why you shouldn't trust us with food. @Shawnmendes

All the boys favorited and retweeted it. "I'm going to take a shower!" I said. "Want to save water." Shawn said. He wiggled his eyebrows. I chuckled. "Nope." I said and shut the door. I heard some ooo's. I laughed and stepped into the shower. Once I was done I put on a pair of Shawn's sweatpants and a Shawn Mendes T-shirt. I blow dried my hair put into a bun, took out my contacts and put my glasses on. I stepped out of the bathroom. "You look beautiful." Shawn said. "I look hideous but thanks." I said. Shawn put his hands on my arms. "You look gorgeous." Shawn said. He gave my a quick peck on the lips before he went to take a shower. When Shawn came out we just cuddled on his bed. For the rest of the night the boys and I just chilled. I still haven't talked to Nash.

Stitches: a Nash Grier and Shawn Mendes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now