Chapter 17

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"Hey wake up beautiful. We're in Cali." I heard someone whisper in my ear. "Ok have fun." I mumbled the persons chuckled and lifted me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around there neck and also buried my head into there necks I breathed in their smell. Nash. I smiled. Nash carried me out of the plane and to baggage claim. "Hey Shawn. Get Madison's bag." Nash whispered. "Here let me take her." Shawn said. He tried to grab me from Nash. I groaned. I peeked my eyes open and looked up at Shawn. He was looking at me. "Hey sleeping beauty." Shawn said. "Hey prince what's his face." I couldn't remember the princes name from Sleeping Beauty. Shawn chuckled. I started to fall asleep again but as soon as I closed my eyes I felt the impact of the ground. "Ow Shawn! What the hell." I said standing up. "Sorry I tripped." Shawn said. I laughed and helped him up. "Yo does anyone have Animus?" I asked. Matt wanted to hold her for the plane ride. She could ride with us because she was so small. "She's right here." Matt said picking her up. He handed Animus to me and we left the airport.

When we got to our hotel we all went into our rooms. Nash, Shawn, and I were sharing one. "We are all going swimming." Shawn said. I nodded my head and grabbed my swim suit. I went into the bathroom and I threw off my clothes. I put on my bathing suit. I couldn't actually swim because of my cast but i could sit in the hot tub. I was about to walk out when I saw my cuts. You could only see them on one arm because of my cast. Sure everyone knew I cut but I told them I stopped. They would freak out. I guess I could hide it till I can put it under water. I stepped out of the bathroom and Shawn was waiting for me. "Nash already left." He told me I nodded my head and we left. I was able to get in the water before anyone saw my arm. I was alone in the hot tub until Nash came in and sat by me. "Hey." He said. "Hi." I smiled at him. We sat in comfortable silence for a while. I dragged my non broken arm through the water. Back and forth back and forth until suddenly Nash grabbed my arm. I gave him a confused look. He raised my arm out of the water and pointed at my cuts. I looked away from him. "Madison, why? What happened this time?" Nash asked. He was my best friend and I could tell him anything. "Shawn got mad at me because I wouldn't have sex with him and he left. I started to cry and I saw my razor so... I just felt worthless and not good enough." I said. I still couldn't look him in the eye. Nash gently grabbed my face and turned it so that I was looking at him. "Your perfect to me. And you will always be more than enough." Nash said. I gave him a sad smile. I didn't believe it but I didn't want to argue so I just stayed silent. Nash brought my arm to his lips. He kissed each cut. I smiled. He's too good. I laid my head on Nash's shoulder. Shawn soon came over. "Hey babe." Shawn said. I smiled. Shawn pulled me over to him and away from Nash. I frowned. "I love you." Shawn said. "I love you too." I smiled up at him. It was true I really did love him. Shawn leaned down and kissed me which led to a full on make out section. Nash got up and left. Shawn pulled away and smiled down at me. He kissed my nose and looked back up. I laid my head on his shoulder.

I woke up in bed. What the? "You fell asleep in the hot tub." I looked over to see Shawn. "Oh ok. I don't know why I'm so tired." I said. Shawn shrugged. I sat up but as soon as I did I felt pain in my head. It felt like some one set my head on fire. "Ah! Shit!" I said. I knew what it was. It's a migraine. I got them all the time as a child. "What?" Shawn said, sitting up. "My head. I have a migraine. Fuck." Any time I move it feels like satan's having a dance party in my head. I laid back down. "Can you go get me some Advil or some shit." I mumbled to Shawn. He got up and left. Luckily the lights were off. I spoke too soon. "Turn off the lights!" I yelled as loud as I could with out making my head hurt even more. "Oh sorry." It was Nash. My head hurt so bad. It feels like my brain has melted. This is one of the worst ones I've ever had and I've had some pretty bad migraines. I started to cry because of how bad it hurt. Which of course mad my head hurt more which made me cry more. "Hey hey. What's wrong?" Nash asked. "I have a migraine. It's really bad." I choked out. Nash rubbed my back as I cried. Nash laid down behind me so that my back was against his chest. he started to rub my temple. It felt so good and it was helping a little bit. I moaned (sounds so sexual). "Keep doing that." I told Nash. He scooted a little closer and continued.

It's been 20 minutes. "Where is Shawn the store is right down the road." I said. "He'll be back. Just close your eyes, princess." Nash said. I liked when he called me princess. He kissed the top of my head. He was still rubbing my temple. It was so soothing. I started do drift to sleep. The door banged open like really loud. I groaned in pain. "Sorry sorry. I got you your Advil and I got some subway." Shawn said. "Yay." I grumbled. Nash got up and Shawn took his place. "Here's your water and pills." Shawn said putting them in my face. I took the pills and washed them down with water. "Here's your sub." Shawn said. I turned on my back and took the sub. I ate my sub laying down. Once I finished I cuddled in to Shawn's chest. "Can you rub my temple?" I asked Shawn. "Sure babe." I liked it when Nash called me princess more. He began to rub my temple but he wasn't as good at it as Nash. But I fell asleep anyway.

Stitches: a Nash Grier and Shawn Mendes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now