Chapter 12

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Day 1 Nashville Magcon. Completed. Shawn, Nash, and I have decided to stay at the hotel tonight. Everyone was in Taylor's room and we were playing truth or dare. "Madison. Truth or Dare." Cam said. He had a small smirk on his lips which kind of worried me but I've picked nothing but truth so far so what the heck. "Dare." I say boldly. "Excellent." Cam said in a weird evil voice. "I dare you to kiss Nash on the lips for 20 seconds oh and use some tongue." He said with a wink. I looked at him in shock. "First ew. Second if you haven't noticed I have a boyfriend and he's sitting right here." I said pointing to Shawn. "That's cheating." I added. "No Madison it's okay. It's a dare. And I know it won't mean anything." Shawn said. "Bu-" I started to say but Shawn cut me off with is lips. "It okay." He said after he pulled away. I just nodded. Nash was sitting next to me so I turned my head. I leaned in and so did he. I can't believe I'm about to kiss my best friend.

Out lips touched and the boys started counting. I felt electricity. Nash slid his tongue in my mouth. He's such a good kisser. My stomach was doing a whole gymnastics routine and bombs were going off around us. I deepened the kiss. I couldn't even here the boys counting anymore. I never wanted the kiss to end. But Nash pulled away. I looked at Shawn. He looked worried. Could he tell that I enjoyed it? "It meant nothing." I assured him. But it meant everything. I love Shawn but I felt something with Nash. I was so confused. "Ok Nash." I said. "Truth or dare?" I said wiggling my eye brows. "Truth." He said. "Who do you like?" I asked. "A really amazing girl." He said. "Name?" I asked. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." Nash said. I just shrugged. The game continued and soon it was my turn again. "Madison. Truth or dare?" Taylor asked in a weird voice. Why? Because he's Taylor. "Um.. Truth." I said. "Are you a virgin?" He asked. I was not prepared for this question. Memories flashed through my head. Tears formed in my eyes. "I-I" then I lost it. I burst into tears. I got up and ran out of the room. Tears were streaming down my face. I didn't know where I was going. I ran till I saw a door. Roof access it said. I threw open the door and ran up the steps. I burst through the other door and cold wind hit my face. I walked to the edge and sat down. I let the tears flow. I hate how easily I cry about this. Anything else I would be able to keep my feelings in but not this. I heard the roof's door bang open. "Madison!" I turned around to find Nash hunched over trying to catch his breath. Once he did he say down next to me. We sat in comfortable silence. A few tears ran down my cheeks. "You okay?" Nash said after a while, taking my hand in his. "Nash, I just want to forget. I can't live with the constant reminder of what happened. I don't want to feel dirty anymore I don't want to be afraid of sex. Sex! I'm afraid of sex. And it's all because of that bastard! I'm just so tired of it all. I just want it to end." I said. I leaned forward a little bit. I was tempted to jump.
"You know I could end it all right here, right now. Just lean forward then bye bye pain. Bye bye Madison." I said. "Don't talk like that you don't mean it." Nash said. I looked at him. "What you don't understand is that I do mean it, Nash. I really do." I whispered. "It hurts me to hear you say these things because Madison I'm in l-" Nash was cut of by the door banging open again. I turned around to see Shawn. "What were you saying?" I asked Nash. "Never mind." He said quietly. "There you are. I'm so sorry about Taylor. I told everyone that you were just embarrassed that you were a virgin." Shawn said. I nodded my head. Nash stood up. I stood up with him but I slipped. I felt myself begin to fall. Nash quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest. I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. "Thanks Grier." I said breathlessly. "You're welcome Wright." He said. "We should probably get back." Shawn said. I stepped away from Nash and cleared my throat. "Um yeah let's go." I said taking Shawn's hand and walking to the door. Nash followed behind. "I love you." Shawn said. "I love you too." I said back to him.

Once we got back to the room everyone looked at me. "It's nothing to be ashamed of that your still virgin. Most of us are." Taylor said. "I know I was acting really immature and dumb." I said. For the rest of the night everyone one just chilled. Shawn and I got tired so we went back to our room. It was just us. We laid down on the bed. Shawn pulled me close to him and softly sang. "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine." He began. I smiled because this was the song he sang to me the first night we shared a bed. I slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face. "I love you." Was the last thing I heard before I fell into a deep sleep.

Stitches: a Nash Grier and Shawn Mendes fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang