Chapter Three: The Future

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Time: 10:30 Date: 6/27/24 Four Years after the Incident

Fall's POV:

I swirled my finger around the glass as Joshua brought in more drinks. I looked up at him as he poured, smiling softly as he leaned back, searching for our sister.

We now live in a broken society, ruled by a man who calls himself Dark Iplier, known to others as Darkiplier. He controls this world, although each country is at peace with the others. It's just that we aren't.

Ever since he entered the picture, about 250 people on Earth have unlocked some type of ability—something, anything. Also, these 250 people's ages don't change once they reach 24, and guess what?

Today is our 24th birthday, and we couldn't look any better. Joshua is taller than Candace and me, taking care of his body and long hair. Candace... well.

"Hey, guys!" somebody called out, and I turned around to see a girl with silver puffs in her brown hair. She was tall, with curves, and a bit of fat. She wore contacts to conceal her identity, as we all did. I wore blue contacts, Joshua wore blue, and Candace wore brown.

Joshua got up to greet Candace, and as I was about to do the same, somebody grabbed my shoulder. I turned to face him—a guy in a Canadian jacket with a brown shirt and a hat covering his hair.

"Do I know you?" I asked as he smiled. "No, but I like the sight of you. Like something that—Look, her, fuck boy. I ain't like any of these girls, and don't you dare go to my sister. She's taken," I cut him off, and he chuckled. "Wow... Somebody who doesn't want to be played. Gotcha," he said as his cheeks flushed. "Even though you weren't."

I sighed and leaned down a bit, turning my attention back to him as he held out his arm. He looked at the guy next to him, who grabbed a bottle of his choice.

"Pour some for the lady. She's with me," he said, and I groaned inwardly. "Great. I can't believe I've interfered with my first jerk," I mumbled.

Joshua's POV:

I was chatting with Candace, who was relaxed at the moment, still clueless about why we were at the bar. One of the worst places to be on your birthday. Luckily, it was nighttime—fewer cops out there for us.

Well, his cops...

I turned around to see Fall sitting with some guy, and it was clear she was uncomfortable. Candace walked ahead of me, tapping the guy on the shoulder. He turned to look at her, and I couldn't make out what they were saying, but both Fall and Candace looked disgusted.

"Time for big bro to come in," I mumbled to myself, making my way toward him. "Thank goodness... Another male," he said as I raised an eyebrow. "Felt awkward with these two females. I mean, my... sisters," I said, growing bolder. "Hey man, I ain't about that. I'm not here for a one-night stand or to steal your sister. You can't trust people nowadays," he said as I kept my eyebrow raised. "Why can't you trust people?" I asked, and he sighed, taking a drink. "Well, the Unknown Trio is still out there," he said, and we all looked at each other.

Candace and I took a seat at the counter as the bartender served us our drinks. We listened to the guy talk some more as I took a drink. Suddenly, my vision turned white as I walked around inside my comfort zone.

"Being 24 is hard already. We literally had to draw on our hands to keep away the symbol since there are still humans in this world. We're somewhat dangerous to Dark, as he taught us very dangerous things, and people are still looking for us. Like, give up already," I said, punching the tree as a leaf fell down.

"This isn't a good sign..."

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