Chapter 12: Tell Me Why

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Dark's POV

Seated in my chair, a wide grin adorned my face. Before long, Antasi entered the room, instantly wiping the grin off my face. I pulled my chair closer to the desk, resting my chin against my hands as I sighed.

"Could I go out and see Vanoss?" she asked, eliciting another sigh from me. "I've told you this many times," I replied, the black essence forming around my hands. "No, you can't. You'll break Vanoss's cover. But I don't trust him, just like everybody else!" she interrupted, slamming her hand down on my desk.

"I know that, which is why you should give him time, dummy!" I retorted, slamming my hand down in frustration as she huffed. "Give him time! You're putting him near his ex, who he still loves! Do you not see that he's changing?" she yelled out.

I leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes to contain the rage building inside me. Fixing my tie slightly, I gave a fake smile.

"What are you suggesting, Antasi? For us to lose our cover and make them fight us? Look at you. You're missing an arm now because of his ex," I gritted my teeth. "It's really two against all of us, sir," someone else chimed in, entering the room. "And now what are you in here talking about?" I asked the newcomer. "I'm just saying that we could strike now... We know what Fall looks like. Plus, why not get Vanoss to bring her back here?" he suggested, but I shook my head.

"I know them. I know what those two are capable of doing. Things that could end us all," I said, as Antasi and the other person sighed. "Fine. You be weaklings and strike yourselves. Don't say I warned you," I remarked with a little grin, reclining in my seat. "So that's a yes," they both said with a smile. "Yes. Go ahead. Make an example of yourselves," I said, my grin widening as they both rushed out of the room.

"Two dumbasses," I muttered as the door opened. "What now- Oh, well, look who it is," I said, shocked at the person who entered the room. "Yeah, I've been out, but that doesn't mean I've turned," he grinned, throwing a flash drive at me.

Quickly using my essences to grab it, I brought it to my face, my grin widening at the names.

"You did good, Anti."

Candace's POV

Sitting back in the chair with Fall, she turned on the TV, both of us in disbelief about what we had witnessed. Fall with her future husband, and me with Joshua.

"Wanna just go to the park?" I suggested, and Fall nodded, turning off the TV. "Need some fresh air anyways," Fall agreed, getting up and grabbing her jacket.

I did the same, and we both walked out the door, making our way to the park in silence. The only sounds were other people yelling or little kids whining about a toy they wanted from the shop window.

Minutes later, we arrived at the park, still in silence, but our eyes widened when we saw who was there.

"Hey there, little ones," the voice greeted, prompting both of us to rush over and hug him gently. "But how?! Delirious had to do something to you!" I whispered loudly as Joshua groaned a bit. "Still hurting, but Evan found me by the concrete," he explained as Evan waved at us.

Fall looked between the two of us and then at Evan. I nodded for her to go over to him, leaving Joshua and me alone.

"What happened to you? I remember it was you and I with Delirious," I inquired, making him smile weakly but groan. "I still made it out of his grasp... I just wanna go home now," he said with a soft smile. "Fine," I turned around, but then he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I miss you the most, Sis," he confessed, making me feel uncomfortable. "Y-yeah. I miss you too, Joshua. You may need some rest," I suggested, gently laying him on the bench.

Looking around for Fall and Evan, I spotted them by the swings and rushed over. Stopping in front of them, I asked for Fall's attention. Fall nodded, quickly getting off the swing and looking at me.

"Yeah? What's the problem?" she whispered so Evan wouldn't hear. "Joshua needs to go home. Like, badly... Could we trust Evan as well?" I asked, and she nodded. "Sure... I thought we went over this?" she questioned, and I shrugged.

"I don't remember, but let's go-"

We spotted two people terrorizing kids, throwing them onto the ground. Fall and I exchanged looks before turning to Evan, who seemed unfazed by the situation.

"What are they doing here?!" we whispered-yelled. "I don't know, but we have to get Evan and Joshua outta here," I whispered back, and Fall nodded. "You deal with the bozos over there, and I'll deal with the two small-brained boys," Fall said, and we both nodded. "Cool. That's the plan," we agreed as Fall rushed over to Evan and Joshua.

I watched until they were out of sight and took a deep breath. Closing my eyes, I felt something wrap around me. Opening my eyes, I saw green essence around me, my veins glowing green.

"Arise," I commanded, and a bear materialized beside me, growling softly. "Let's fight once again," I declared, and my bear roared.

Then, I heard a slow clap, turning to see someone standing there.

"STOP!" I yelled, and my bear halted, turning back toward me.

"You look beautiful now," they said, startling me.

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