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"Dad?" Tia said to her father.
"Huh?" He sounded distracted. Tia hoped he wasn't engulfed in his phone like he always was when he was around.
"Dad, please put the phone away," she begged.
"I just have to do some last minute things. It'll only take a second."
More like an hour, Tia thought. So much for asking who she was talking to. She sat back down and waited for her mom to return.
Tia didn't know what time it was but she assumed it was the closing moments before Raw started as her mom placed a bucket of popcorn in her lap.
The Shield
The Shield theme song danced in her ears. Mrs. Martin told her daughter that she was sitting right next to the aisle that The Shield members descended from. Tia got excited and stood up, placing her hand on the top of the barricade but she didn't feel anyone jump over it. She frowned and goosebumps stood at attention on her arms. Someone was beside her she knew it but, what were they doing just standing there?
"Honey," she heard her mom say as she grabbed her wrist.
Next thing you know, no one said a word. The whole arena was mute and the silence was so loud that it made Tia's ears ring. At that moment, she felt someone wrap their muscular arms around her waist and she was lifted up.
"Mom, help-" But Tia's cries were cut off as a hang clamped down on my mouth, but that didn't stop her from continuing to scream. Someone had to hear her. But she realized that no one was coming to her aid. She couldn't be the damsel in distress. She had to save herself. She started kicking wildly, not caring who or what she hit.
"Stop," her captor growled but she didn't.
She kicked it up a notch and started swinging, elbowing him in the face. She heard the creak of a door opening and was carried through the doorway. She found the frame and gripped onto it for dear life.
"Let go," another voice hissed at her. "Stop fighting."
"Control her," she heard another deep voice say.
Someone pried her fingers off and she was shoved through another doorway where her hip slammed into the edge of something. Her hand hit the bottom of what felt like a bowl and it was wet. A sink?
"Wait-" Tia began but the door had already slammed in her face.

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