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There was a lot of noise in the backstage area of SmackDown. Tia could hear sucking and slurping sounds coming from her left and rapid footfall from her right. Either two people were kissing or someone is really enjoying their drink and someone was jogging in place, getting warmed up.
"Hey, Dean-" Someone covered her mouth and picked her up off the ground.
She tugged the hand away from her and gulped in air. "What's going-"
"Be quiet, Tia," Dean growled as he carried her someplace. She heard the door close and felt herself be set down on a couch.
"What are you doing?" Tia asked.
"I saw your parents," Dean stated.
"You what?!" Tia exclaimed.
"Yeah, they were talking to this security guard," Dean explained.
Tia heard him slam his hands against a set a lockers. "Shit," he grumbled.
Tia had mixed feelings about her parents being here. She missed them and wish she could see them, but if they knew she was here, they would take her away and who knew what would happen to Dean. Who knows how much time he'll spend behind bars because of this.
"What are we going to do?" Tia asked.
"I don't know," Dean admitted. "I really don't."
"Well, maybe-"
"Can you just shut up, Tia!" Dean shouted making her jump. "I'm sitting up here trying to think but I can't do that with you talking. Be quiet!"
Tia frowned. So he wanted to act like that.
"Mom!" Tia screamed. "Dad!"
"Shut up, Tia!" Dean shouted, covering her mouth.
"Mommy!" Tia yelled into his hand. "Daddy!"
Dean got her to her feet and shoved her. Tia felt the cold hard surface of the bathroom floor under her hands as she tried to break her fall. The door slammed closed.
Tia got onto her knees and felt around for the door. She screamed to the top of her lungs. She was starting to miss her parents. Of their bickering on the rare occasions they were in the same room. Of her mother's constant fussing over her. Knowing that her parents were so close yet far away was making her extremely homesick. She loved Dean, but he wasn't her parents and she was only 16. There was a mature soul in her body, but she still considered herself a kid not ready to break away from her old life and the people that made it better.
She tried to turn the doorknob as hard as she could but it wouldn't budge. "Dean, let me out!" Tia screamed, crying. "I don't want to be here anymore! I wanna go home!"
She heard the click of someone unlocking the bathroom door and backed away. She reached out and felt a pair of legs.
"Dean?" Tia said.
"Yeah." Dean helped her to her feet and held her to him.
"I think I want to go back home," Tia confessed, hugging Dean in a goodbye.
Dean didn't respond to that, just stroked her hair and told her, "Take deep breaths."
She did and she was able to calm down as she felt a wash rag being pressed against her mouth and nose. Tia struggled against Dean to free herself, but his grip tightened and it felt like the rag was being pushed into her skin.
"Just take deep breaths, baby," Dean soothed. "Everything's going to be okay."
Tia thrashed around more, not ready to breathe again, but her lungs felt like they were on fire and her stomach was clenching, her body begging for oxygen. Slumping against her kidnapper, she finally breathed in and began to drift off.

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