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"Can't you go any faster?" Mrs. Martin asked her husband.
"No," Mr. Martin told his wife as if she was a first grader. "I'm already 10 miles over. Plus we're on the highway. Do you want to get into a car accident?"
"No," Mrs. Martin said sadly. "I'm just anxious."
"I know but calm down."
"I can't," Mrs. Martin said as she fell back into her seat. "Of course you would keep a cool head. You're barely around to at least have dinner with us, let alone actually sit down and spend time with your own daughter. You're the one that wanted her."
Mr. Martin gripped the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned chalk white. He wasn't gonna let what his wife say get to him. He loved Tia and he was upset that he couldn't be around as much, but he was trying. He should at least get credit for effort.
"Well I bet it's better than breathing down her neck every solitary minute. How is she supposed to be a normal teen when mommy's always there, holding her hand."
Mrs. Martin gasped. "That is so not true," she insisted.
Mr. Martin snorted. "Yeah, right."
"I can't believe we're having this discussion right now," Mrs. Martin scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"You started it," Mr. Martin replied. "You didn't have to low blow me like that. I love Tia just as much as you."
"Really?" Mrs. Martin questioned in mock surprised. "With you, it's hard to tell."
Mr. Martin bared his teeth at his wife. "Don't make me pull over and get out."
"Do it," Mrs. Martin challenged. "It's not gonna affect me."
Mr. Martin made a sharp right turned and pulled over. Mrs. Martin frowned as her husband got out of the car.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"I'm getting out," Mr. Martin told her simply. "It's not gonna affect you right?"
The whites of Mrs. Martin's eyes expanded as her husband closed the driver door and disappeared into the night. Mrs. Martin waited a few moments, thinking it was a joke and that her husband would return. But the minutes on the car clock ticked away and there was no sign of him. She got out of the car.
"Thomas?" she called out. "Thomas!"
But the only thing that responded was the howling of the wind.

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