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Dean stared at the bathroom door where Tia's screams and cries for help were coming from.
"What'd you do that for?" Dean hissed at Roman.
"I told you to control her but you didn't. I had to do something," Roman explained.
"I had things handled," Dean insisted.
"Your face says otherwise," Seth said.
Dean touched his left eye where it caught Tia's elbow. He winced as he applied pressure. "That still didn't give you the right to shove her in the bathroom."
"Dean, I don't think this is gonna work out," Seth told him. "We have to take her back."
"No," Dean argued as he pressed himself against the bathroom door. "You're not taking her back."
"Dude, come on," Seth insisted. "I mean, what's so special about her? She's blind, it's not like she does anything productive."
Before Dean could control his arms, he punched Seth in the face, a sickening crack ringing out through the locker room.
"Oh, shit," Roman said as a trickle of blood cascaded from the corner of Seth's mouth.
Words clogged up Dean's throat. He wanted to come to Tia's defense. To say that Tia's was a great girl. How she loved to play the piano and wanted to major in Journalism when she went off to college but he couldn't form the words. Tia's cries were stopping him. He didn't have to explain anything to his friends. They were too narrow minded to skirt around her condition. To look past that and see what she was really like. If they actually sat down and talked to her, they'd realize how cool and normal she was. Tia started to bang on the door.
"Get out," Dean hissed. No one move. "Get. Out!"
"Fine," Seth scoffed and disappeared out into the hall.
Dean turned and pressed his face to the bathroom door. "What, Roman?" he said.
"Don't listen to Seth," Roman replied. "I kinda know what you're going through. Just know that I'm on your side."
"Why the sudden change of heart?" Dean asked.
Roman sighed. "Because I would want someone to do the same thing for me." And he was gone.
Dean pressed his ear against the door. The screaming had stopped and all he could hear were small whimpers. "Tia?" he whispered.
He cracked the door opened and peeked his head inside. Tia was crouched in a corner on the far side of the bathroom, her knees pressed against her chest.
"Who's there?" she asked.
Dean walked inside and squatted down in front of her. He didn't answer, he just grabbed her hands and put them on his face. She touched everything from his forehead to the crinkles around his eyes to his nose, mouth and chin. Tia frowned in concentration.
Dean smiled and leaned his forehead against hers. "Hey," he whispered.

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