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"The van's ready," Tia heard a deep voice say.
"Alright," Jonathan said as she heard the door close.
Tia had been coddled by Jonathan for about an hour. After he coaxed her out of the bathroom, he set her on his lap and rocked her like a baby where she tuned in and out of sleep.
"Where are we going?" Tia asked sleepily.
"You'll see when we get there," Jonathan replied teasingly.
Tia smiled weakly, trying to shrug the statement off. Even though she trusted Jonathan, somewhat, she was still scared and anxious about what was to become of her if she was taken away from her parents. She heard the door open and felt someone get close to her. Goosebumps stood prominent on her arms once again.
"Hi," someone greeted.
Tia didn't reply. She felt uneasy.
"What do you want, Seth?" Dean growled.
"I just wanted to come and apologize," the man named Seth replied.
Then Tia felt a hand cover hers. A hand that felt nothing like Jonathan's but was still calloused and warm. "I wanna apologize, Tia," Seth said. "I was over the line."
"It's okay," Tia said even though she was clueless. What did he say or do that was over the line? She was crying and yelling so loudly in the bathroom that she wasn't able to hear anything that was going on on the other side.
Warm lips touched her forehead making Jonathan's arms around her tighten.
She heard rustling after Seth broke away from her. That's when Jonathan set her beside him on the couch.
"What's going on?" she asked.
"Getting ready to head out," Jonathan answered. "Here."
A jacket enclosed Tia's small form and stopped at the middle of her thighs over some shorts and a tank that her mother helped her pick out earlier that day. Mrs. Martin said Mickie Mouse was on it.
Who would help her get dressed now? Jonathan certainly couldn't do it. He didn't understand female clothing unless it was the stuff under the clothes. She may have heard rumors. If Tia put her trust in Jonathan to make her look presentable, she'd be walking around in sweats and a T-shirt that was three sizes too big.
Tia sank her nails into the couch cushions. She didn't wanna leave. Her parents were probably still here trying to find her. She had to find them. She had to let them see her. See that she was fine.
Jonathan grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her to her feet, but she didn't budge. She was gonna stay right there.
Jonathan sighed. "Come on, Tia," he said. "We have to go."
"No," Tia replied sternly. "You have to go. I'm staying here."
"No, you're not," Jonathan insisted sternly. "You're coming with us."
"Why?" Tia asked. "Why should I come with you? Why am I even here?"
"Because" Jonathan said simply.
"Well count me out. Have fun in Corpus Christi."
"How did you-"
"I'm blind, Jonathan, not deaf. I hear things."
"Fine," Jonathan said. "We'll just be on our way then."
But the door had already closed. Tia didn't believe it. Didn't believe that he and Seth were really gone. They were just messing with her. But the locker room was eerily quiet.
"Jonathan?" she called out as she stood. She slide her feet around to find the table so that she didn't flip over. "Jonathan?"
She reached out her hands to find him, but came up empty. She slammed her hands on her thighs. "Come on, Jonathan, this isn't funny. Where are you?"
Again, silence. Panic gripped her like a vise. Her breath came out in short gasps, something that happened before she burst into tears.
"Jonathan?" she said weakly, sobs layered thick in the back of her throat. She choked them back before sinking to the carpeted floor. She laid on her side and hid her upper body in Jonathan jacket.
Invisible hands rubbed her thighs comfortingly. Tia quickly reached out before he could move and found Jonathan's-or is it Seth's?-shirt.
"You actually thought I was gonna leave?" Jonathan questioned.
Tia rose to her knees and found his arms before punching them really hard.
"Don't do that again!" Tia scolded. "Scared me half to death." The gasps came back.
"Hey, hey," Jonathan said as he stroked her hair. "Don't cry on me. I'm sorry."
"That wasn't funny," Tia sobbed as she buried her face in his chest.
She was picked up and carried out of the locker room. She knew because the temperature in the hallway was way cooler.

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