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Dean woke up at around 6 in the morning. He forced himself awake after he had a dream...about Tia. And some things were going on that he didn't want to dwell on at the moment, not when he was making a small tent under the covers. He silently unwrapped himself from Tia and got up from the bed, darting to the bathroom. He quickly stripped and stepped into the cold shower to calm himself. He had to get a grip. Yeah, he liked Tia that way, but he couldn't go to that length with her. Not until she was ready.
"Get yourself together, Dean," he muttered to himself.
When he walked out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around his waist, he saw Tia with her eyes opened, laying on her back.
"Hi," she said.
"Hey," he said awkwardly, covering himself even more even though he knew she couldn't see him. "How long have you been awake?"
She shrugged. "Not long," she answered. "While you were in the shower."
"I have a quick question," Dean stated as he cleared his throat. "Did you.....feel anything last night?"
"Like what?"
She sat up, facing forward. "Are you okay?" she asked.
"Fine," Dean quickly answered. "Just fine."
Tia frowned and Dean knew she didn't believe him, but she didn't press the issue any further. Instead, she sighed.
"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting beside her.
"I'm just thinking about what my parents are doing right now? If they're looking for me or not."
That took Dean back. He was so focused on getting Tia that he hadn't thought about the people connected to her.
"My dad probably still hasn't notice, but my mom," she shook her head, "my mom must be worried sick."
"Yeah," Dean agreed reluctantly.
"But, in all honesty, I like it here."
"You do?" Dean questioned.
"Yeah." She smiled.
Dean stared at her profile. At the dimple that came with her smile. Without thinking, he kissed it. But not just a peck, it was slow and long. Tia sighed happily as she turned her head toward his lips. Hands shaking, Dean cupped one of her breast so delicately, it was like he was afraid she might break. It fit perfectly in his hand. He lightly nipped her lip and slowly laid her down on her back. Eyes closed, Tia found Dean's face, his cheeks and cupped them in her small palms. Dean froze; Tia's hands were shaking uncontrollably. He looked at the position he put them in and cursed himself before quickly getting off.
"I'm so sorry," he said.
"It's okay," she replied shakily, sitting upright.
But Dean shook his head. It wasn't. Looking at Tia and the state she was in at the moment he knew he couldn't possibly tell her about the dreams he's been having of her or about the emotions that have been building as soon as he first laid eyes on her. It'll just scare her away.
As soon as he got dressed, a knock sounded at the door. Dean walked over and opened it up.
"Hey guys," Seth greeted when him and Roman walked in. "Sleep good, Tia?"
"Yeah," she answered. "Are we doing anything today?"
The guys looked at each other. This was definitely new. They never really thought about going out and doing something. Usually they just stayed in their rooms and watched TV until it was time for them to go to the arena.
"Um, we didn't really think about it," Dean admitted, jamming his fists inside the pockets of his basketball shorts.
"Why not?" she asked. "Don't you guys usually go somewhere fun?"
The guys exchanged another look. "Not really," they said in unison.
"Well then,"'Tia mumbled. "We're gonna change that."
But every idea or suggestion Tia came up with the guys shot down immediately because it was either too feminine or too foreign and the guys weren't really big on different. Only when necessary. So they settled on staying in their respective rooms and "watching TV." Tia and Dean were sitting on either side of the couch, a cushion separating them. The space was killing Dean. He so wanted to close the gap and rest his head on Tia's chest. But that would just make her nervous again. He fidgeted his fingers, wanting some sort of contact.
Tia reached her arm out to the side and scooted over, stopping when she got to Dean's thigh. He jumped.
"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked.
"I said I was fine," Dean replied with a fake laugh. "I guess I'm just tired."
Dean knew she still didn't believe him, but that was the only explanation he could give.
"You're hiding something, Mr. Ambrose," she said. "And I'm gonna find out what it is."

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