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Tia grabbed onto Seth's elbow as the cashier said, "Have a nice afternoon!," letting him lead her away from the counter.
"On to the next store," Tia said.
"Wait," Seth said. He grabbed her hand and led her away to who knew which part of the store.
Tia assumed it was a private area since the sounds of the chatter and music coming from speakers seemed duller. The hair on the back of Tia's neck stood on end. If only she wasn't blind. She would be able to walk away from Seth, weaving effortlessly through the racks and displays of clothes, perfume, and undergarments that Victoria's Secret provided.
But instead she was stuck with him and the uncomfortable, too intimate for comfort words he was inevitably about to speak.
She felt someone's weight press onto her, pinning her against the wall behind her. The tip of Seth's nose grazed her ear.
"Let's stay here for a little while," he whispered huskily.
Tia tried to push him off, but she might as well have been pushing the wall that was supporting her back. "Seth, stop," Tia said sternly. "I thought stuff like this wasn't going to happen again."
"I can't help it," Seth said. She felt his breath on her forehead. He was hitting a weak spot in the middle of it that made it seem as if her whole brain was being tickled. She couldn't help but giggle a little. She wish she hadn't.
"See?" Seth asked. "You like this too."
"No," Tia quickly argued. "That's not why I'm laughing. I'm-" but she didn't even know how to finish her sentence.
She heard a phone vibrate, not doubt Seth's, but his hands remained against the wall on either side of her face.
"Dean's going to come in here looking for us," Tia told him and the thought made Tia shudder. She couldn't even begin to think of what would happen if Dean did come inside to look and discover the position that his best friend and girlfriend-was Tia his girlfriend?-were in. He would be hurt, she just knew it.
"Let him find us," Seth said a little challengingly. "I don't care."
"But I do," Tia said through clenched teeth. "Get off of me or I swear on everything I will scream."
Seth tensed and Tia felt the muscles in his chest bunch up under his shirt. He finally stepped back and it felt like Tia could breath again.
"Fine," Seth muttered, his voice as hard as steel, as cold as ice. "Let's go."
He roughly grabbed her upper arm and led her to the exit, but he quickly dropped his hand and Tia knew that Dean was in seeing range. She stumbled out of the store.
"Dean!" she called out gratefully.
She felt arms wrap around her and for some reason she felt like crying now that she was in Dean's protective hold. But she wouldn't allow it; that would lead to Dean asking what the matter was and the last thing she wanted to do was explain what went down between her and Seth in the store.
"Kiss me," Tia whispered, not able to suppress the words.
"What?" Dean asked shocked, but Tia could tell that there was a small smile in his voice.
Dean softly pressed his firm lips against the soft skin of hers and Tia gripped onto him tighter as if she would float away if she didn't.
It was times like this that she was happy she was blind. She didn't think she could take the hateful glare that had no doubt taken residence on Seth's face.

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