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Mrs. Martin's eyes fluttered open and squinted at the light hanging right above her. She looked around. Chairs were lined along one wall while the other was occupied by shelves of first aid kits and gauze. She was laying on a vinyl cot with her husband and a doctor, sporting a black shirt with the WWE sign on the right side and black trousers, looming over her.
"What's going on?" she asked, rubbing a spot on her forehead where it throbbed.
"You passed out," the doctor stated, "and hit your head on the barricade."
"Why?" she questioned.
Mr. Martin scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably. "Uh."
"Thomas?" Mrs. Martin said as she slowly say up. His phone was tucked away in his pocket, that meant something bad had really happened.
"Tia got kidnapped," Mr. Martin finally admitted. He sank down on one of the chairs as if that confession drained him.
"That really happened?" Mrs. Martin asked more to herself. She recalled what happened in the beginning of the show.
The Shield members descending the steps through the crowd, Dean standing beside Tia, staring at her intensely. The look on Tia's face signaling that she knew there was something wrong. Mrs. Martin reaching out to grab her daughter's wrist. That's when the lights cut off and the crowd went silent, wondering what was going on. That's when Mrs. Martin felt Tia's hand being ripped away from her and then she heard Tia's screams but they got cut off. When the lights came back on, Tia's chair was empty and The Shield members were nowhere in sight.
A tear slipped down Mrs. Martin's cheek. "Tia," she sobbed.
The doctor rubbed her back comfortingly as Mr. Martin clasped one of her hands in between his. He kissed her temple. Mrs. Martin sniffed and wiped the tears away with the back of her hand. "We have to get her back."
"Right ahead of you," Mr. Martin said as he whipped out his phone. "I bought two tickets to Corpus Christi where SmackDown is being held. The Shield is gonna be there, I bet you anything."

Through His EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora