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            I swung and swung, my arms were growing tired quickly. I was sliced up badly and I’m pretty sure my left arm was fractured. Although I can feel the poison running through my body, I’m in much better shape than my senior and junior. Tengen had an injured eye and missing hand, Tanjiro had severe wounds practically everywhere, I couldn’t even tell if he was missing anything or close to bleeding out. Nonetheless, it felt as if this fight would never come to an end and the longer I went the fainter I felt. The poison was taking serious effect.

            Then the bittersweet sight of an injured Sanemi was in front of me and pulling me away. “Fucking dumbass!” I was sat on the ground among the rubble and my sword was placed beside me. “You’re barely able to stand.” Sanemi’s eyes were filled with nothing but worry and anger yet they still stayed their beautiful lilac purple.

            I smiled and coughed trying to lift myself. “Me? A dumbass? Well yeah, but you just left those kids fighting upper 6 alone, with Tengen.” He scowled at me and pushed me down.

        “Stay.” I huffed but nodded as I noticed how the weight and pain somewhat lifted as I sat there, wheezing. Before returning to the other boys Sanemi gave me a sweet and deep kiss. I know what he was fearing, my death.

            “I’m not going to die. Just kill those bastards and get me to a medic.” With that, he ran off.

            My eyes felt heavy, as though I have went days without sleep, my chest was tight and my breathing was ragged. As the men fought the demons around me the dust, dirt, and the rushing wind got into my wounds and stung like all hell. My limbs were feeling numb and tingly as well as incredibly heavy. What the hell happened? No way this asshole's poison affects me so much and so fast? Right? Oh please don’t let me die here. Please please, please! I can’t see Kyojuro so soon, this is too soon. I felt tears prick my eyes as I looked at Sanemi and the boys. I don’t want to die yet. I took in a deep breath and let the tears roll down my cheeks. I can’t be as strong as Kyojuro was when facing death, I barely did shit. I stood mere minutes on that field before have to be put aside. Am I really a Hashira? No way I could be this weak as a Hashira. This reckless, this stupid, this helpless, this fucking worthless.

             What the hell is up with me? I'd never been this emotional, this irrational. But I suppose being faced with death I panic. Wow, I’ve changed, I used to be so calm, sweet, and composed. I was a lot less reckless, and a lot less social. Did I begin to change when I met Kyojuro? Or have I finally stopped living in my past? Is it because I’m able to rely on others now? I chuckled as that one made it click. I don’t put up a front and have to pretend I’m so well-composed now. I’m a mess, easily blinded by emotion, and irrational. I’m human. And I never let myself become human before I met Kyojuro. He showed me I can rely on others and I then had a family. No matter whatever family I may have had behind the doors of amnesia, he became my family. His family is mine. And Sanemi taught me to embrace those dumbass emotions in a matter of a couple of years. My attitude and nature are a lot more carefree and I jump into things without looking. That’s why I’m on the brink of death. I never exposed myself to toxins because I observed any and every situation I was going to put myself into, I have nothing to shield myself against it. The more I moved, the more it got into my system and here I am now. If I survive, I’m retraining some of my natures.

            I groaned, enough with this shit. I mustered up the strength to get up regardless of how tingly and heavy I felt. But of course, as I get up I see the heads roll on the ground and Sanemi running in my direction. I dropped to my knees, god damnit I was worthless this time. All I did was give Tengen and Tanjiro a break as I took some hits before they finally ended the fight. I frowned and glared down at my blade before suddenly my vision was filled with fire. But nothing was hot? Oh, don't tell me I just died and I’m going to hell. C’mon! Let me see Kyojuro first, say bye to Sanemi and Senjuro!

            But as I heard yelling, my vision began to clear. Sanemi hugged me as Nezuko popped up next to me. My body no longer felt so heavy, the tingling sensation was gone. But damnit my wounds sting. Well… I’m not dead. I don’t feel the effects of poison anymore. Don’t tell me Nezuko set me aflame and burned up the poison. But as I looked around she did the same to Tengen and Tanjiro. This girl is truly amazing.

          I hugged Sanemi back once I turned back around. He was shaking and holding me tight, don’t tell me he’s crying. “Nemi?” He just held on tighter and I heard him take a deep shaky breath before looking up at me. He was crying. “Oh please, please don’t cry!” I ignored the stinging as I went up and wiped his tears.

            “You fucking dumbass! Dumbass, dumbass, dumbass!” He took another deep breath, “I almost lost you. Be more fucking careful.” He placed his head on my shoulder and continued to rant before I got sleepy. Kakushi was heading our way, so without any more worries, I leaned onto him and let my eyes finally rest.

            "Whatever you say Sanemi…"

            My body felt so sore, so heavy, and stiff

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            My body felt so sore, so heavy, and stiff. I couldn’t bring myself to move so I’ve been staring up at the ceiling of the estate listening to the girls move about with Tanjiro. Healing has been a process, never been fast to heal. I wasn’t so severely wounded as Tanjiro and Tengen, more so exhaustion and the demon's poison got the best of me. Shinobu has talked to me about toxin exposure to assure something doesn’t happen like this again alongside a lecture about proper rest. Tengen has retired as a slayer from what I’ve heard, that bastard hasn’t been to visit since I woke up. This makes a total of two Hashiras knocked from their positions in a matter of months.

            Sanemi hasn’t been around much either, Shinobu said he visited a couple of times in the first couple weeks I was resting but he hasn’t been seen since. I think it may be about his brother, news has gotten around of Gyomei’s latest tsuguko. Genya, Sanemi’s younger brother. Sanemi never talked much about his family, it’s always been a very dismissed conversation, so I don’t know much about him or Sanemi’s relationship. Hell, I don’t know much about the boy anyway, rumors spiral fast and there’s no telling if some of them are true or false anymore since the corp bent the rules for Tanjiro.

            “(Y/N)-san!” The girls ran up to the bedside, time to limber up I guess. Their tiny hands and trained eyes looked over the last of my now scarred wounds and assured me I no longer suffered from any effects of the battle aside from the stiffness.

            Aoi came in after receiving the good-to-go and handed me a bag containing some medicine Shinobu had left for me. I was also given the standard lecture of making sure I stretch and take a minute to get back in training conditions before I head out to another mission. “(Y/N),” I perked up at Aoi’s tone, it was soft and gentle compared to the usual firm and confident one she spoke in. “Are you sure you’re fine?”

            I smiled and nodded, “Yeah, as fine as I can be for being stuck in that bed.” She glared at me, she knew something was wrong but didn’t want to press it. “I just need to refine myself again, nothing bad, alright?”


            “I’m a lot less observant than I used to be, I’m not caring for myself properly. I let Kyojuro’s death affect me in some negative ways and I’ve been pretty carefree and light on my training.” I took in a deep breath and smiled. “I just need to get back in shape, nothing bad.” Aoi nodded along before letting me off.

            I looked in the direction of Sanemi’s estate and then toward the direction of the Rengoku estate. With a very long pause, I finally decided to see if Sanemi was in. Hopefully, he was.

Word Count:1490

I Found You [Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora