The Test (8)

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tw // panic attack

and we're back to the anxiety boys !!

M had dragged Sabre to the red kingdom almost immediately, rushing to get to Professor Red. His priority was making sure whatever Sabre ate wouldn't kill him, and he didn't waste a second to deal with that. Anxiety was fresh as he sprinted down the stairs, skipping the final step.

"M- M!", Sabre tried to slow him down. It didn't do anything.

M didn't pause until he quite literally ran into the professor, knocking him down. Before he could say anything, M was already yanking him up and shaking his shoulders.


"Apprenti- Leader- M, calm down, what's the issu-"

"SOMEONE DRUGGED HIM-", M wildly gestured to Sabre, not caring how his crown was sliding down his head, and especially ignoring how Sabre was trying to push it back up onto his head, "SOMEONE BROKE IN AND DRUGGED HIS FOOD, PLEASE- I DON'T KNOW IF HE'S POISONED OR-"

Professor Red yanked Sabre away from M and brought him to the lab table quickly, shoving him down onto it. Sabre grunted from the roughness, but didn't complain considering the harsh situation. Professor Red ran to his counter and yanked out a syringe, along with grabbing more medical supplies for the needle.

As the professor rubbed the numbing pad onto Sabre's arm, he winced. He hated the feeling of it, how cold it was. The needle pinched in, and Sabre bit his lip. It didn't hurt, but god it felt so uncomfortable. He squeezed his eyes shut as Professor Red- or maybe M- darted around the room, yelling what to do or where to do it.

"O-Okay.. Results. Results."

Professor Red spoke to the Assistant with his anxiety barely laced in his voice. He was too scared to /be/ scared, not wanting to worry Sabre if he was poisoned or not. Staying calm was theoretically the best option, so why did the professor feel like his insides were tied into a knot?

*"Results Clear. Blood type A, mixed with extra blood. Steve blood. No toxins or poisons entered. Side effects of drugging are expected however."

M breathed in relief, although confused by the note of the steve blood. The professor's entire posture changed, his shoulders slacked and he clutched his chest in relief, exhaling a breath he didn't know he was holding. He quickly went over the effect of drugging in his head. Nausea was most common, along with stomach aches and headaches. Drowsiness too.

As he silently went over the side-effects and which ones had the highest chance of effecting Sabre, M tried to comfort him. Sabre tried to act unaffected, telling himself that he only felt sick right now because of his anxiety (which was partially true). He pulled himself up so his knees were pressed against his chest.

'Someone broke into my house, they drugged me'

'What did they do when I was out? What if-'

He didn't notice how quickly his breath sped up, and how his stomach churned. Maybe he was just hungry.

"S-Sabre, calm down please." M tried to reason with him but Sabre didn't respond. He just lowered a hand to his stomach and stared at M, his eyes- at least the only one that wasn't covered by the blindfold- were filled with anxiety, stirred with fear, shaken with dread.

M could tell he was trying to ask for something, with the way he began tilting his head, holding his stomach and faintly holding his throat, but he couldn't tell what and was too nervous to do anything. Was he hungry? Sick?

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