2- Misunderstood

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I spent most of that night, hiding away in my room. I just met him, caught him changing, and got caught creeping. God, this dude is going to either question me about it tomorrow or absolutely kill me in training. The little sleep I did get wasn't very restful. This is why we don't creep on people L/n. I sighed, waking up again, seeing the clock stare me down with 5:00 am displayed in bright blue. I huffed, deciding to get ready and go bother Ghost for a few minutes. He may be a sly bastard, but he at least would help me out.

I slipped on some black boots, black pants, and a black, tight fitting t-shirt. I put a grey long-sleeve over top of my shirt. Layering was never a bad idea, especially in our cold weather. I creeped out my room quickly, seeing König's door was shut this time. I felt my face heat up again, reimagining his shoulder blades moving as he took off his shirt. I slapped myself on the face, snapping out of my daydream. Get it together, he's hot but sheesh! I made the short walk to the training building, taking my time and letting the cold bite into my skin.

When I opened the doors, I could already hear Ghost going at it, taking his anger out on the punching bag. I carefully came in, not wanting to become his next target. I gently knocked, seeing him stop what he was doing to look at me.

"What do you want?" He growled, panting from beating the shit out of the bag.

"To ask a hypothetical question." I pushed my fingers together, avoiding eye contact.

"Get on with it." He set his workout stuff down, lending me his ears.
I learned after Ghost warmed up to you, he was a very good listener. He's remembers small thing you tell him. Especially when you think he isn't listening.
"So, if I hypothetically watched a guy undress on accident and he caught me, what would I hypothetically say?" I awkwardly laughed, feeling the blush creep along my cheeks again.
Ghost sighed, and I could see him shift to hold his head in his hands.
"What'd ya see?"

"König taking his shirt off," I whispered, remembering again his shoulder blades moving, the healed scars showing, and those grey eyes staring at me in embarrassment.

"And he caught you peaking?" He asked, giving me this look of what the fuck is wrong with you.

I nodded, biting the inside of my cheek. "I didn't mean to, his door was just open and I never heard him make it back from the trainin' room, and the door was ajar and he- he was," I groaned in frustration, "I feel like I total creep."

Ghost eyed past me, and then back at me. I lifted an eyebrow at him and he nodded for me to turn around. My stomach dropped, and I turned my head, being eye-level with someone's chest. König.
I gasped, flipping around in fear, not expecting him to already be here.
"How much did you hear?" I asked him, begging for anything but 'everything'.

"Genug. (Enough)" He blankly stated. I could feel my heart pound in my ears as a lump formed in my throat.

"I- look- I- uh-" I stuttered, unable to form a coherent sentence.

"Ghost. Where is the best field around here?" He completely ignored me, looking past, to the ghost masked man.

"A mile south. L/n has never been there. It'll be good practice," Ghost smirked under his mask, knowing what was waiting for me.

"Come. We will practice now." König ordered, turning on his heel and heading out. I flipped Ghost off for not telling me any sooner König made his way in and had listened to me talk about seeing him shirtless.

We began a mile walk south. The silence eating at me more than the cold was. The sun began to tear through the night sky, offering very little warmth. Most of the way, we walked in silent unison. Me struggling to keep up. Within one step of his I took about two. I still couldn't fathom how tall he was.

"You ever held a sniper rifle before?" König broke the silence, using the same commanding voice from before.

"No, not really. Never got to practice with one," I admitted, hearing him sigh.

"Gott helfe uns... (God help us)" He huffed. "Well today is the day." Awkward silence followed us. I stopped in my tracks, him copying but clearly confused.

"About last night, I apologize. I shouldn't of been looking into your room. I'm sorry if I made you feel unsafe or invaded." He suddenly stopped with the tough demeanor and began staring at me again, switching his weight. He was thinking of something to say. Honestly, it was a cute little behavior.

"You are forgiven," he smiled, making eye contact with me again. I could see a soft blush encroaching his cheeks, his grey eyes shimmered with something. We continued walking, the air feeling a little lighter than before. I'll admit, he's a strange one, but I don't think he's bad. Just hard to understand.

Once we arrived to the field, I slowly started to understand how difficult this would actually be.
"Alright, well," König grunted, pulling off a sniper rifle from his back. "First thing we're going to do is train your eyes." He unloaded the sniper, taking the bullet out of the chamber and dry firing a couple times to make sure it was for sure safe.

"I'm going to go down there and we're going to play hide and seek," He clapped his hands together, his smile evident in his voice. I giggled softly at his enthusiasm.

"I don't particularly think this is fair. You're trained in this stuff. I'm trained to seek and destroy," I brought up. He stared at me again, shifting his weight.

"At least you can seek."

"Fair point," I nodded, closing my eyes as something landed next to me and I could hear his footsteps racing off from me.

"Come in, L/n," His gentle voice called. I opened my eyes to find a walkie talkie sitting in the ground next to me. I picked it up, "I copy."

"Good. You've got five minutes to find me."

"I appreciate the buffer," I laughed, knowing he was being kind.

"You'll need it," He teased, cutting off a little laugh. I shook my head, looking through the scope of the rifle. Nothing. It was like it was dead silent through there.

"You even out here?" I asked him. Partly provoking a reaction out of him, and hoping for a chance to see him move.

"Yes I am," He laughed, and I slowly saw a red dot sitting on my hand.

"Jesus Christ," I muttered, scanning the area. I've got nothing.

"Hint nummer eins (number one): Look to your left about three meters more," He ordered.

"I'm American. I still don't understand metric," I laughed, realizing that I really need to get onto that. However, I knew to my left, meant my left so I slowly moved, scanning through my scope. The field was empty with very few little things to hide behind. He was just showing off at this point.

But then something caught my eye, a small bit of black sticking out in a field of dead grass and muddy dirt.

Touch in the Dark- König x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now