10- Price to Pay

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"You what." Price growled, staring me down as if I just committed a war crime.

"Talk to the medic! He told me I basically can't do shit!" I huffed, wanting to sob.

"Y/n L/n. You..." Price snarled, clearly pissed off at me. He sighed, lighting a cigar and taking a long long drag of it.

"I know. Trust me, Ghost is going to know next and he's going to beat my ass. He barely wanted me on the last mission, imagine what he'll think when I've lost half my time to heal!" I felt frustrated, wanting to blame Price for all of this.

"I wasn't ready. And you pushed me. I know to never second guess your judgment. Yet, here I am," I laughed, a tear slipping from my eye. I could see a small amount of hurt in Price's eyes. His cold stare turned soft.

"I did push you. I believed you'd prove yourself, and you did. Just ended up with a battle scar that's wasting our time," He puffed his cigar, "I'll see what I can do. No promises. Just rest, for now, we don't want to lose more time." He looked at me, a small smile appearing on his lips.

"I'm proud of you, Y/n. I'm proud." He nodded, setting the cigar in his mouth. I felt another tear drop onto my lap.

"Thank you, Captain," My voice cracked as I forced a smile. I huffed, wiping the tears away from my eyes.

"Go inform Ghost. Don't get bit in the process," He laughed, waving me off with his hand. I chuckled, sniffling from crying. I left his office and trudged my way to go find Ghost. Knowing him, he'll be in the training room. I made my way there, trying to figure out what to say to him.

I entered the training room, surprised to not hear Ghost beating the shit out of something. Which also meant, I may be the thing he's beating the shit out of in a minute. I looked around, finally finding him prepping to leave. He glanced at me, confused when he noticed the redness of my eyes. I stood still in the door frame unable to move.

"What. I don't like that look," He accusingly stared, his eyes showing a mix of concern and something else before returning stone cold. I felt myself break down a little and cried in front of him, desperately trying to wipe the tears away. I could see him panic, concerned about my vulnerability. I was open with him about things, but I never cried. Ever.

"Talk to me. What's got your knickers in a twist," He roughly spoke, patting the floor next to him, and sitting down. I walked over, plopping myself down.

"I-I can't train for two weeks," I sobbed, gripping my hair into my hands, "I feel so useless. I'm going to make us fail this next mission." I couldn't help but sob into my lap, Ghost patting my back a couple of times, semi-hard. He was horrible at comforting people but he tried. We sat in silence while I struggled to gain my composure.

"That's got you in all these tears?" He spoke, curiosity lacing his husky voice. I looked up at him, seeing his brown eyes waiting for an answer. I sighed, wiping my face again.

"That and I thought you were going to yell at me. And... some other things," I sheepishly spoke, knowing Ghost would continue to question. He hummed, waiting for me to continue.

"König and I got... intimate. We stopped because of my shoulder and I'm afraid he thinks I'm not interested in him or that he thinks that I think it's his fault for what happened. He kept blaming himself earlier. And Price said he was proud of me," I admitted, hearing a snort from Ghost.

"Wow, never thought my Sergeant would get some action. Soap is going to start speaking gibberish again if he finds out." Ghost shifted uncomfortably next to me. He never liked that Soap kept pinning for me. Soap was oblivious to Ghost at times. I knew it was like a sick game for Ghost.

"I didn't get any action," I laughed, surprised as he censored himself some. "Just, felt some things." Ghost cackled, "Tell me no more details, rookie."

"Hey! I'm not a rookie anymore."

"You're still a rookie. In my book," Ghost chuckled, patting me on the back. I smiled up at him as he pulled himself up.

"Thank you."

"... Of course. And on your training," He turned around to face me, "We can still train. That arm is going to be a bother, and I can't particularly beat you to a pulp. However, we'll practice things that allow you to prepare." He slung his bag over his shoulder and left me alone on the floor. I sighed, relaxing into the concrete.

"I'm glad you're okay," His voice appeared in my ears again. Sincerity rang through his voice, a rare occasion for him to allow emotions to slip through. I smiled, a small laugh escaping my lips. I lay on the floor for a while, trying to process the last little while. Ghost was unusually expressive, König was bold, and Soap was still Soap. I placed my hand over my eyes, listening to a clock softly click. 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi...

I pulled myself up slowly doing everything I could to keep from moving my injured arm. It felt like dead weight, and I wanted to get these two weeks over with quickly. I decided a walk for fresh air would be best. König was out with Price, scouting some things to make sure our base was still safe. The mission was so close, yet I still had no idea what I was doing. Or where I was going.

The cold stung my face, biting at my nose and lips. I didn't mind it, bringing a new feeling besides just pain. I felt useless just walking around, so I made my way back to the gun range, deciding scoping practice would be good. I walked my way there slowly, thinking of what all stood on the line. I knew nothing yet everything. I shook my head, trying to ignore the mission and just practice my aim. I'd have one shot, one kill, one time.

I entered the grey brick building through double doors, immediately entering the range. It was simple, a wall with a bunch of different types of guns, ranging from revolvers and pistols to snipers and aks. A slot was separated for each stall, and there were targets set out with increasing difficulty. The farthest was about a mile away downhill. I searched for the sniper rifle, struggling to reach it. After a minute or so of trying to get it down, I huffed, grabbing a closer gun and using that to get the rifle down. With ease, it came toward me, and I grabbed it.

I lined myself up to the stall I had claimed and adjusted my rifle, feeling my body shake. I hadn't shot one before, and now I've got an injured arm and no instructions. I loaded the magazine and cocked the gun.

"Sniper's hot," I murmured to myself. I glanced through the scope, aiming about 50 feet out. This one should be easy. I took my time and once I decided it was good, I pulled the trigger. The recoil jammed into my shoulder, being more of a bother than pain. The shot rang through the air, slightly hurting my ears. Yet when I looked up, I saw a direct hit on the dummy. I smiled, bent back down, cocked the gun, and went for the next farther target. Over and over.

Once I ran out of bullets, I examined my damage. The closer ones were fatal hits but as it went on my accuracy dramatically decrease. I felt disappointment course through my body but I wouldn't let it sit long. Once König is finished with Price, I'm dragging him out here.

I gathered my things and put them back up, cleaning up the mess I made. I may have a cap on sparring, but I will not let my inexperience hold me back. I will not fail this mission. I will not disappoint Price. Fate rests on my shoulders, and I am the sacrifice. I still wanted to know why I had to be the sniper, why not Ghost, or anyone else.

Touch in the Dark- König x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now