REWRITE 18- Anger.

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A/n: any chapters with RW in the title are new chapters that are canon to this story. I will delete the old ones when the story is finished, more than likely. For now, any chapters with RW past 18 are CANON.

I marched my way through the grounds until I hit the barracks. I barged in, tears still threatening to spill. I quickly hid in my room, anger, and humiliation building up in my throat and chest. I ripped off my gear, hyperventilating, finally letting out a war cry. I threw my stuff across the room, directly punching a pillow on my bed and then throwing myself down onto my mattress. I finally let out a stifled sob. I was so enraged, violated, and hurt. Everything was gone, just like that, and there wasn't anything I could do.

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts, and I rolled over to yell, "Fuck off! I said it's over. The end! I don't report to anyone anymore!"
Another knock hit my door, and I harshly sighed, ripping myself out of bed. I pulled the door open, almost yanking the door handle off. Price stood in the doorway, fumbling with my dog tags.

"I meant it, Price," I growled, turning on my heel and kicking it with my foot. He caught the door with his foot and stepped into the room.

"It's not negotiable, soldier." He leaned against the door frame.

"Then I'll get myself dishonorably discharged!" I threw my hands up in frustration. "I'm not working with those freaks ever again!"

"You don't mean that," He softly responded, the jingling of my dog tags filling my ears.

"Don't tell me how to feel! You didn't have to experience that! You didn't have someone you cared about grab you by your neck and slam you against a wall because someone else you cared about kissed you!" I yelled, a tear finally slipping. I could see his eyes shift with concern as he set down my dog tag on a desk and opened his arms wide. I lifted an eyebrow, debating on taking his offer. He never was one to offer hugs, but when he did, it was for a good reason. I finally caved, reluctantly crawling into his arms. It was a stiff hug on my part.

"I am so sorry, kid," He whispered, rubbing my back. I sniffled, sighing shakily. He pulled away from the hug, encouraging me to sit on the bed next to him. I complied, roughly throwing myself down onto the bed, my head in my palms. "We can talk about it. If you'd like of course," He offered, looking over at me. I sighed.

"Basically what I told you. Soap kissed me after Wires almost killed me. I was in shock and didn't stop it. Ghost and König saw, König picked me up and put me against the wall. Then he proceeded to cuss me out in German and then slap me. Ghost just was an asshole more than usual. Guys wouldn't hear me out," I explained sighing. "Price, I want to be transferred, or them on a different team. I refuse to work with them."

"I'll talk with Shepherd-"

"Price," I warned, standing up. "I'm not kidding. Keep me with those-those men, and I'll get myself dishonorably discharged." He looked up at me, seeing the fierce glare in my eyes. He sighed.

"You're off duty for a week, kid. I'll see what I can sort out with the information you gave me," He huffed, pinching his nose bridge. I scoffed, rolling my eyes as he walked out of the room. I immediately threw a pillow against the wall as hard as possible. The anger kept sitting in my lungs and chest, every beat of my heart feeling like a spiteful thing. I've got to get this out. I snuck my way into the gym, finding it completely empty. That made sense since most of us just got back from a mission. Plus, Wires still had to be interrogated.

I made my way toward the punching bag. This thing always hurt my knuckles whenever I went to train; however, this time I wasn't completely concerned with my pain level. I tore into the punching bag, ignoring when my ankles and knuckles would scream with pain. I could feel myself becoming quickly exhausted with the work I was putting in. Before I knew it, I could feel the blood rushing down my knuckles. I silently swore, searching quickly for first aid. Unfortunately, my search led me to a skull-faced fellow. We caught eye contact, and I could feel myself wanting to explode again.


"No. Not now, Ghost. I will lose it." I struggled to keep my calm. I could hear him shift toward me as my eyes were closed. His gloved hands brushed the back of my hand.

"What did you do?" He asked, genuine concern leaking from his voice. I jerked away, feeling the anger finally bubble over.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I growled, slapping his hand harshly. Blood was starting to drip from my hands onto the floor. I pushed past him, yanking open the first aid. I grab a few disinfectant wipes and cleaned my wounds, finally slapping a band-aid over them.

"You can't stay angry forever," Ghost broke the silence after I finished taking care of my knuckles. I threw my head back and snorted.

"Watch me, lover boy. Watch. Me," I challenged, grabbing a few supplies to clean up the blood trail I had made and the blood on the punching bag. Once I turned around, I could see his furrowed eyebrows with a glare in his eyes.

"Don't start something you can't win," I growled as I walked past. I head him frustratedly sigh as I left the room. I quickly wiped off my blood and threw away the towels. This bag has been through much worse. I still felt unsettled, there were a few hours until Wires interrogation, and even though I was technically off duty, Price requested my presence. I took a slow walk around the grounds, finally finding myself standing in front of our small prison on base.

Time to get Wires to talk.

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