6- Take Your Shot

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"Alright, to debrief you all on this mission," Price echoed through the coms, "We're investigating this oil rig for any of our missiles. Any hostilities are to be killed on engagement, understood?" We all responded with a "Yes, sir."

"And L/n. You've got this. Make me proud."

"I will, sir. I will," I spoke confidently but the doubt in my body was barely containable. The ride was mostly silent, eyes on me as my leg bounced.

"Sergeant," Ghost's husky voice rang through my ears over the comms. I looked up, the anxiety evident on my face.

"We'll be right behind you. We're 141. Unstoppable." He held eye contact with me.

"Yes, lieutenant." I nodded, throwing my head back. I have everything to lose here- better not fuck this up. The ride dragged on as the pit in my stomach grew. I felt like I was going to vomit. We hopped out of the helicopter, being stranded in the middle of a forest. We were tasked with getting on that oil rig with no witnesses, destroying our weapons, and then backing off.

König nudged me gently, gaining my attention. We were behind Ghost and Soap, just following along until we reached the ocean. I looked up at him, waiting to see what he was wanting.

"I will watch your back the entire way. You will be safe under my watch," He smiled, his eyes crinkling under his sniper hood. I softly smiled.

"Thank you, you big ol' goof." I gave him a soft punch to the shoulder. He laughed softly, letting me slip back in front of him.

We continued our walk, slowly the ground turning into a more crumbly landscape. The dirt slowly began morphing into the sand and the trees became more and more sparse. And finally, we hit just sand, the water within view. Luckily for us, a small speed boat was left unattended. We quickly ran, moonlit exposing us for a few minutes.

"How do you start a boat?" The three of them seemed to be slowly panicking. I walked over to the engine, yanking the cord a couple of times until it started. They looked at me impressed as I adjusted the boat, letting it softly take off.

"Just like a lawnmower," I informed them. Ghost took over, almost capsizing us a few times. However, we safely made it, sneaking the boat right next to the supports of the oil rig. This was it.

"L/n, you go first. Find us a spot to hide for the time being. Radio in when we're safe to come up," Ghost ordered, giving me a nod of affirmation. I returned it, adjusting my gear before slowly climbing the ladder. I grabbed my knife from my thigh while on the latter, I could feel myself shaking, and I took a deep breath, put the knife between my teeth, and hopped up and over the ledge onto the oil rig. I quickly moved behind a crate, looking around and seeing a couple of men patrolling.

"L/n, you copy?" Soap's voice came in.

"Stand by," I whispered, pulling the knife from my teeth and making my way to the first guy. I quickly covered his mouth, leaning him back and slitting his throat, instantly killing him. I threw his body overboard, the sounds of the waves crashing against the rig silencing everything.
"Woah, was that you sergeant?" Ghost came through.

"Yes, sir. One more hostile before I can advance. You guys get ready, there are crates we can hide behind and go from there," I muttered, watching the other guy do his walk around, starting to notice his friend missing. I snuck behind him, watching him reach for his radio. I tried the same thing, but he jammed his leg into my thigh and flipped around. He opened his mouth to alert his fellow mates, but I jammed the knife into his neck, fumbling with my pistol before shooting him in the skull. He fell with a thump, and I disposed of him like the other.

"Get your asses up here," I huffed, already feeling my body shaking.

"Copied Sergeant," They responded, making their way up the ladder. I kept watching as Soap, then Ghost, then König made their way onto the rig with me.

"Good work, L/n." Ghost patted me on the back, before sending me out to watch more. He wanted me to do it for practice, and because I was the smallest. I could hide the easiest on a stealth mission like this. I weaved my way through the crates, hearing the three follow behind me. We made our way across the rig until we hit a building. I turned back, looking at Ghost for the next order.

"Leave it for me," König whispered, stepping in front of me, and knocking down the door, firing into the room until he deemed it safe. I breached it next after him, seeing there were stairs. We quickly swept the first floor, König waiting at the stairs, watching me as I finished checking the last room.

"Clear," I called, watching everyone relax for a moment.

"If they didn't know we were here before, they will soon," Ghost hummed through the comms, telling us to go up the stairs. After König cleared the hallway, there were four separate rooms to clear. Each one of us took one. I ripped open the door, finding two men in there. They looked at me startled until that changed to anger and they ripped up their guns. I shot one in the shoulder, and as I turned to hit the other one, I felt a piercing pain rip through my left shoulder. I winced, shooting them both in the skull. I moved my hand over to my shoulder, seeing it covered in my blood.

"I'm hit," I hissed on the comms, hearing the bullets slowly cease as they finished the rest of the rooms. Immediately, König burst into the room, searching for the blood.

"Heilige Scheiße, geht es dir gut?! (Holy shit, are you okay?!)" König asked, seeing my hands covered with blood, along with my left shoulder. I laughed, the adrenaline currently making me feel nothing but a sharp pinch.

"English, please," I chuckled, seeing him search me over and over for any more wounds.

"Are you okay?" He looked at me, his eyes filled with concern.

"Yeah, just stings. Let's get this finished, I've got my good arm still," I called over the comms, informing Ghost and Soap I was hit, but I would pull through. We made it out of the building, pulling our way up the rig until we found a huge crate, holding a massive amount of ammunition.

"Come in Price," I called.

"Price here." He answered.

"Found a crate full of different types of ammunition. A couple of small warheads, and various guns from various countries. What are your orders?" I stated, noticing a mixture of American, Russian, and Chinese military weapons stored in there.

"Blow it to pieces," He hollered over the comms, a smile evident in his voice. Soap set up a C4 as the rest of us made out way back to the boat quickly. Soap caught up with us, yelling, "Go, go, go!" We made it back to the ladder, me being the last, making sure everyone would get down the ladder. I handed Ghost my guns and my chest holder with spare ammo.

"What are you doing?" He hissed, watching me strip to just my clothes and a strap or two on my leg that held something that wouldn't be a pain to get wet.

"Getting us out of here faster," I answered, pushing myself over the ledge, and jumping into the water. I swam back up, pushing the loose hair that got in my face, out of my way, pulling myself into the boat, and ripping the cord over and over to start it. Once Ghost hit the boat, it roared to a start and I slammed it into reverse, jerking all of us to the floor. We booked it out of there, covering our ears as the explosion rang through the air.

Touch in the Dark- König x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now