7- Band-aid

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TW: details of a wound. I know this book is set as mature but I'll still put in tw when I deem needed.

I could feel the bombs go off in my chest, watching the sky turn into a dark red as a fire blazed. Ghost switched with me as the pain slowly made itself present as the adrenaline wore off. König informed Price that our mission was completed and that we were making our way back. Eyes shifted to me, soaked in salty water with a fresh wound that was bleeding out onto my clothes and the boat.

"We need to fix you up before you bleed out," Soap stated, clearly concerned. König nodded along, noticing me beginning to shiver.

"Let's get back to the helicopter first. We're still not one hundred percent safe." Ghost stated the dock where we stole the boat from was in sight. I winced in pain, my shoulder starting to burn.

"Let's get there quickly. My arm is starting to kill me," I groaned, gripping my shoulder. König moved over to me, his grey eyes filled with concern. He gently touched my arm, asking for permission to examine it. I nodded, ripping off my glove, and shoving it in my mouth to muffle my screams of agony. He rotated my arm around, earning a muffled groan of pain as it shot through my arm, down to my hand, and into my neck.

"I am sorry," he huffed, "The bullet did not pass through." I huffed, taking the wet glove out of my mouth and slipping it back onto my hand. I was soaked, in pain, and now agitated. We reached the dock, got off the boat, and walked our way back to the forest. I trailed behind, the pain slowly blinding my vision. König noticed, turning around and asking to pick me up. I nodded, him gently slipping an arm under my legs and picking me up with ease. He caught up with the guys in no time, and the three of them talked as I faded in and out of conciseness.

"Sergeant, none of that. Keep your eyes up," Ghost stated, gaining my attention. I couldn't tell you how bad my shoulder was, but the way they treated it was like I was on the edge of death.

"Yes, sir," I sighed, leaning into König's chest, feeling him tense for a moment before relaxing. I struggled to keep my eyes open, the bullet wound's pain spreading farther into my body. Before I knew it, we reached the helicopter, König gently sitting me in a seat and searching for a first-aid kit. I braced myself, knowing he would be digging out a bullet from my arm before anything could be done. And I would not be happy about it.

"Are we good for take-off, or are you going to do this first?" The pilot came up to us, unbothered by the amount of blood in his helicopter.

"Good for take-off. We'll patch her up on the way," Ghost confirmed, as König returned with a first-aid kit, latching himself to the aircraft with some hooks on his gear. We changed to comms as the roaring of the blades took over.

"I am sorry for what I must do," König spoke, grabbing a pair of tweezers from the kit, and glancing at my arm.

"If I'm going to be in pain, let's make this easy," I sighed, removing a couple of layers until I was just in a tank top. I could tell it flustered him, but he focused on his job as I switched off my comms to avoid breaking any of their eardrums. The blades thankfully drowned me out as I groaned and complained about the pain. I could feel the cold tweezers move in my shoulder, making me sick to the stomach. I could feel the bullet move around in my arm, making things ten times worse.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" König pleaded with me, worried I would be upset with him. I switched my com back on for a moment.

"No need to apologize. Just hurts," I grunted, quickly switching my mic back off before groaning and bending over, trying to keep my shoulder accessible to make things easier.

"You're taking this more like a champ than I thought you would," Ghost smugly spoke, earning a hard glare from me. König fiddled with my arm some more, his eyes focusing hard on what he was doing.

"Dort wir gehen... (There we go)" König sighed, showing a bloody bullet in between his tweezers. I had him drop in it my hand. If I'm going to get shot, I'm at least keeping the bullet that hit me. I sighed, letting him disinfect the wound, finally closing my eyes for a minute. After he cleaned it out, he took a gauze, and wrapped my shoulder up, making sure it was heavily protected.

I flipped my mic back on, "Thank you, König." He nodded, settling himself into the seat next to me. I immediately leaned against his shoulder, exhausted from all that had happened. I dozed off immediately, the sun slowly rearing its head into the sky.

Once I awoke, the blades of the helicopter were slowly stopping. Soap was leaning against the wall, either resting or asleep, and König had counterbalanced himself with me and passed out. Ghost looked over at me, eyeing my shoulder before looking at the both of us. He gave a approving nod before violently waking up Soap. Soap screamed, waking up König with a jolt. We all glared at him.

I unbuckled myself out of my seat, stretching, noticing I was still pretty damp from the water.
"Maybe I should of got down the ladder instead," I laughed, gently getting off the helicopter. Price was waiting for us. His eyes shifting to concern when he saw my shoulder covered up with dried blood up and down my arm.

"What happened?!" He asked, trying to hide his concern but failing. I reached for the bullet that was previously in my shoulder.

"I got fucking shot," I laughed, watching him relax to a degree.

"Please tell me there was no damage done and you can still snipe?" Price begged, looking at the other three making their way out.

"As far as I'm aware, I've still got feeling." I moved my elbow and fingers, refusing to move my shoulder for the time being.

"Make sure that heals properly. For now. You all go rest, good work 141," Price patted us all the back, awkwardly avoiding my shoulder. I stood behind for a minute and talked to Price about what all had happened and how to fix it later. Afterwards, i decided I was going to bed. I made it to outside the rec room, getting stares since I would drag water through place that no one wanted to clean up. I stripped from my gear, throwing it on the ground outside. Leaving me just in my bra and some damp shorts.

"Damn, a show?" Soap called, as I walked into the living area.

"Shut up," I growled, walking down the hall, feeing icky from the damp clothes clinging onto my body. I felt my face heat up as König's eyes stuck to me. Nothing was left to imagination with these tight clothes. I made haste to my room. Closing the door behind me. I went through my closet, finding some dry clothes and began changing. I glanced into the mirror, seeing scars from my childhood and battle across my body like stars. I always had a nasty one wrapping around from my hip to my rib cage through my stomach. That one I never liked talking about. I rushed to cover it up, repressing as many memories as I could.

I dragged myself to my bed, hitting the mattress. I cocked out within seconds, my nightmares slowly beginning to play in my head.

Touch in the Dark- König x fem! Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن