5- Brief

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"Yes sir?" I entered Price's office noticing he had adjusted a couple of things in his room. He had framed multiple documents, I'm guessing things he wanted to show off. His desk was made of oak and stained dark mahogany. He pointed me to one of the seats of course, which were varnished with leather.

I sat down, watching him light up another cigar. He offered me one, but I declined. I glanced over at his ashtray, it filled to the brim.

"You've been stressed," I pointed out, hearing him exhale and sigh. He nodded, taking another drag out of his cigar.

"Plans keep changing on me. Never know when I'm sending my men out on a mission and if they're coming back." He stated stone-cold into the wall. I knew sometimes the burden of holding so many lives in your hands was too much. Sending home soldiers for the soil was never something he wanted to do.

"As to why I brought you in here, we have a mission. There's an oil rig a little ways away off the coast of Russia. We think they have some of our lost missiles there. I'm sending the four of you out there to investigate. Tonight." I shifted in my seat, feeling a pit settle in my stomach. This was my first mission and I was still afraid of freezing up. I had a couple of times fighting Ghost and Soap. I got my ass absolutely chewed by Ghost when I did. He lost his mind, screaming at me. I knew he did it because if I did that out there, I'd lose my life.

"You think I'm ready?" I whispered, picking at my nails.

"You doubt yourself too much, Y/n." Price seriously looked at me, a soft edge in his glance. "Your abilities are more than exceptional. Plus don't forget, you've got your team behind your back." He smiled, setting down his cigar.

"Thank you, Captain," I smiled back at him. He was like a father figure to me. I wanted to go fishing with him sometime once we finished this war.

"When will I get the brief? I'm assuming you've already told the boys about this?" I inquired. He nodded, leaning back in his chair.

"I roughly briefed you here, but I'll go into more detail before you're sent off in the helicopter," Price gently blew smoke into the air. I nodded.

"You are dismissed," He waved his hand to shoo me out of his office. I watched as he took a long drag of his cigar, glancing down at a photo on his desk.

I left his office, closing the door behind me. First mission. Do not let me fuck this up. I made my way back to the rec room, finding it empty for once. I assumed everyone was getting ready for tonight, getting some rest. However, I could already feel I was restless. I sat down on the couch, sighing, and rubbing my face. I feel so unprepared. Price has his trust in me, and he knows what he's doing, but still.

I grabbed a controller, turning on some first-person shooter to zone out. I heard footsteps approach, sounding like König's. I've memorized Ghost's and Soap's footsteps. Ghost's were almost impossible to hear unless the hallway creaked. Soap almost like stomped, and König's were just normally loud. Again, he was 6'10 and at least about 230lbs. I noticed him in the corner of my eye, wearing socks, shorts, and a tank top exposing his muscular arms. Immediately I died in the game. I sighed, setting the controller down.

"You feel like playing?" I asked König, seeing him holding a stare at the tv. He gave a gentle nod as I grabbed another controller, handing it to him. We played a few verses, usually drawing.

"You are pretty good at this," König admitted. I laughed.

"You thought I was shit?"

"No, I just didn't know you enjoyed these kinds of things."

"They allow an escape from reality." We sat in silence for a moment. I took the opportunity to headshot König's character, winning the match.

"Du bist meine Realität... (You are my reality)" König whispered, his eyes locked onto mine. I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"I understood that one," I chuckled, setting down my controller. I saw his eyes widen under his sniper hood, pink flushing through his black eyepaint.

"I thought you didn't understand German?" His voice cracked from embarrassment.

"I said I understood some. What you said translates pretty easily and is very similar to English," I trailed off, processing what he said. You're my reality. I let go of the air I was subconsciously holding onto. I looked back over at him, watching him twiddle with his fingers, nervously waiting for some response.

"Tu es muy lindo, (You are very cute.)" I muttered, tossing my head back slightly. I don't want another Soap situation on my hands. But at the same time, König was nothing like Soap. A gentle giant with big feelings. I sighed, taking my head into my hands and containing a squeal. I could hear him nervously shift, unsure as to what I said.

"I'm not upset with you or anything. You haven't ruined anything." I read his mind, watching him relax. "I'm just... flustered," I whispered, looking up at him. Those gunmetal grey eyes stared at me, a tinge of lust showing in them.

"You think I am attractive?" He whispered, his hands reaching around his face over his sniper hood. I leaned toward him, grabbing his hands with mine. I felt him shudder under my touch, as I leaned close to his ear.

"Very," I purred, deciding to tease him. I could hear his breath hitch in his throat, his body trembling. I gave a little smirk, knowing I was blushing like I was sunburnt. "Goodnight, König. See you in a couple of hours." He sat there, stunned, and I could hear him gulp. I could feel my body ache, as I made my way back into my room.

I closed my door behind me, and laid down in bed, screaming into a pillow. Oh my god, what have I done? I rolled over to my back, staring at my roof. His voice echoed inside my brain, Du bist meine Realität. God, what I would do for this man. I sighed, spending the next few hours trying to stop my mind from wandering.

This Austrian is going to drive me insane.

Touch in the Dark- König x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now