15- Wires

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Y/n's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling warm breath down my neck. I slowly remembered that I was rooming with König and took in my surroundings.
His arms had wrapped tightly around my waist, our legs intertwined. So much for not being vulnerable with him. I gently pried myself out of his arms, struggling when he twitched in his sleep.

I stretched, making my way toward the kitchen and deciding to cook something. I tore apart the kitchen, looking for food until I found some pancake batter and sausage and eggs. I smiled, happy with what I discovered. I began cooking breakfast, Soap walking into the dining room as I finished.

"Whatcha cookin' lass?" He inquired, snaking an arm around my waist. I cringed and pushed it off, putting some space between us.

"Breakfast. Wake ya boyfriend. I'll go get König," I answered, turning off the stove and grabbing four plates. I could hear Soap huff before going back toward his room to get Ghost. I gently crept back into my room, finding König slipping on his last layered shirt.

"Breakfast is done." I gave him a toothy smile, watching him stand up, towering over me. I could see his eyes crinkle, indicating a smile back. He followed me out into the room, finding Ghost and Soap making a plate. I joined in, handing König the last one. We stacked our plates full, and sat down at a dining table, wasting no time to eat. Ghost surprisingly ate in front of us, keeping the rest of his face covered while his baklava was pushed up exposing his mouth. I kept my eyes adverted, not wanting to poke the beast.

"So, what's the plan." Ghost's voice broke the silence. I gulped down my bite of food, chugging my glass of water.

"Meet this Wires guy, get the information on the missiles and get the hell out of here," I reported, wiping my mouth.

"Why in a rush?" Soap asked, his blue eyes staring at me widely.

"Because. I left America for a reason. And I still have to train for Russia. You don't learn a rifle by sitting on your ass." I remembered the stress, along with the fact my arm's mobility was slowly increasing. Yet it wasn't fast enough to satisfy Price. I felt König place a hand on my shoulder, sensing the oncoming panic.

"You do well. Things will work out," He spoke up, his grey eyes shining. I gave a small pity laugh, unsure whether or believe him or not. Once we all finished eating, I pulled up my phone, searching through the files Price had left me. A knock on the door interrupted my train of thought. I answered, seeing David at the door.

"Sergeant L/n. Lovely to see you. Wires is waiting for your presence." He smirked, the smile dropping when König appeared behind me.

"Give us a moment to get ready," I responded, gently trying to close the door, but David's foot stopped me.

"Us? No you misunderstand me. Wires only wants you, the American. No one else can come."

"My team is coming with me. No buts about it," I growled, pushing his foot back and shutting the door. I huffed, running back to the room König and I shared, throwing on my gear. I felt König's hand land on my back, telling me to calm down.

"You are putting your gear on all wrong. Let me help you." He adjusted my gear, making things much more comfortable for me. I blushed as his hands brushed against my clothes, making me yearn for his touch.

Everyone met in the dinning room and we headed out, following David in the Hummer we borrowed. The ride was smooth as we slowly encroached on a large compound. Multiple buildings were surrounded by 10 foot tall wire fences with barbed wire. The asphalt roads quickly turned into gravel. I parked next to David, the four of us hopping out of the car.

"I'm tellin' you, Wires won't let those foreigners in!" He argued, acting like a child who couldn't get their way.

"He will if he wants business," I laughed, crossing my arms and shifting my weight to one foot. He sighed, giving up arguing with me and lead us toward a grey brick building. It was pretty plain on the outside, just seemed like some regular building you'd see in downtown or some college campus. Inside was pretty basic too, we were lead down some hallways until we stopped at a double door entrance.

David knocked on the door and they swung open, showing a man in his 50's, a cigarette dangling out of his mouth. I watched as his eyes examined me and my team as we walked in, taking seats in front of his desk. He looked around, immediately glancing at our patches and looked at me.

"What are you doin' with them kind?" He inquired, choking out his cigarette.

"They're on my team. My name is Sergeant L/n. You're a friend of Capti' Price, right?" I ignored him, slowly already getting frustrated.

"Capti' Price," He laughed standing up from his chair. "That sorry sucker has got his tail in-between his legs to get information from me. And he sent some outsiders and some... some-"

"Some what? Quite frankly buddy I was born and raised here. You got a problem with me, you've got a problem with your own," I cut him off.

"Y/n..." Ghost warned, seeing Wires demeanor change.

"You ain't my own. You left and went to Britain. You're a traitor!" He slammed his hands on the table, raising his voice.

"Traitor?! You wanna meet a fuckin' traitor?! My family left me to die! I've done nothin' but sacrificed myself. Your life and everyone's lives here depend on these missiles being found!" I matched his energy, seeing his brown eyes glow with anger. "You let these missile slip into Hassan's hands. If they don't leave and his plan goes through, you can't imagine what will happen. Countless innocent lives will be lost. And yo ass is gonna be found guilty for it." I cackled, watching him sit back in his seat with wide eyes.

I could feel the tension in the room. It could be cut with a knife.

"So do everyone a favor and just tell me. Where is that missile?" I sat back down, crossing my leg and smirking. He sighed, shaking his head.

"They're shipping out to Russia."

Touch in the Dark- König x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now