Chapter 15

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Yok and Ayan had returned a few hours later, hand in hand. They were met with the frantic Khan and Wat. Yok shouldn't have been surprised that they worried.

"Where were you!? You said it would be a short walk!" Wat asked with a sigh.

"You've been gone for hours! I was about ready to call and report you two as missing!" Khan said.

Yok and Ayan spared a glance at each other before laughing a bit.

"I'm sorry that was my bad," Yok said.

"Also there would be no way the cops could do anything if you reported us as missing since we are adults," Ayan said with a shrug.

"Aye, I hate to break it to you, but legally you are considered a vulnerable adult. If you went missing, people would be looking for you." Wat said.

Ayan scoffed a bit and shook his head fondly," You love bringing that up don't you?"

Wat smiled a bit." I thrive off taunting you a bit."

"Uh, are we just going to pretend the boyfriend isn’t  standing right here?"  Yok said

Everyone was quiet for a few moments as they exchanged glances, and then they all burst out laughing. No one had felt this happy in years.

Yok couldn't help but feel so happy and safe. He finally was able to correct at least one of his wrongs. He finally reconciled with his two best friends and his boyfriend. Maybe one day, he could even reach out and confront Thua. Yok relished the hopeful feelings that idea brought. He was finally on his way to healing the mistakes of his foolish youthful past.

"I'm going to finish making dinner. Don't do anything stupid," Wat said after his laughter died down.

They watched Wat hurry back to the kitchen.

Khan turned to them with a grin." So what took you two so long? Don't tell me did you and Aye-"

Khan was cut off as Yok flicked his forehead.

"You really think I'd do that sort of stuff out in the open? I have some decency," Yok chuckled.

"Hey, Khan, why don't you go and annoy Wat? It smells like he made your favorite food," Ayan said.

Yok and Ayan watched Khan’s grin turn even more mischievous as he hurried into the kitchen to likely help himself to free samples. As he left, Ayan and Yok smiled fondly at his back and then turn to look at each other.

"Are you happy?" Ayan asked.

Yok rested an arm across Ayan's shoulder and gently tugged the shorter man closer.

"I'm over the moon," Yok replied.

Ayan smiled as Yok gently kissed his cheek. His life finally felt like it was getting better. His heart was bubbling over with warmth, and he finally was starting to feel alive again.


Once Wat had finished cooking, he began to serve everyone a plate. The air was filled with rich, aromatic spices, and each plate contained steaming piles of vegetables, meat, and rice. As Yok took his first spoonful, he hummed in satisfaction. It had been a long time since he’d sat down and enjoyed a home-cooked meal quite like this.

“So Khan, have you started dating anyone?” he asked.

“Uh yeah, actually, I’m dating Thua,” Khan said, a bit sheepishly.

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