chapter 35

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Got your vms. We need 2 talk. See u later 2night. ;)

“What the hell?” Dan muttered, staring at his newest message from Yok in disbelief. “Is he drunk?” Or maybe he’s not Yok. Dan pressed the call icon, leaned back in his seat, and raised the phone to his ear. “Come on, Yok, pick up. Pick up.” To his dismay, the call went straight to voicemail. Dan quickly hung up and hit the call icon again. After getting the same straight-to-voicemail response, he sighed heavily and dropped his phone into the empty cup holder. Chill out. Maybe his phone died, or maybe he switched on DND mode because he’s working on a project. These were all reasonable scenarios, but they still didn’t explain Yok’s sudden use of text shorthand or the winking face. Or maybe he’s not Yok.

Dan groaned and hit the steering wheel in frustration, wincing when he accidentally hit the horn, and his car honked loudly. “Damn it,” he muttered, waving awkwardly to the other occupants of the parking lot. “I need to get home.”


When Jade pulled up in front of the Studio, Dan’s car was already there. Jade sighed and switched off the ignition. He tugged off the helmet and ran his fingers through his messy hair. There wasn’t much he could do in the dark, but he figured a quick touch-up was better than nothing. He dismounted from the bike, snatched up the keys, and walked quickly towards the entrance. Upon reaching the door, he knocked twice and waited for an answer. Suddenly, he felt ridiculous. Idiot. Yok lives here. You don’t have to knock. He grabbed the doorknob and pushed the door open, fully expecting Dan to be waiting for him on the other side.

To his relief, Dan was already in the shower, so Jade was instead greeted by the very welcome scent of takeout food. Good, that will give me a little extra time to settle in before I tell him. Jade slipped off his shoes, dropped his wallet and keys on the table next to Dan’s, and made his way to the bed, flopping on it with a sigh.

Staring up at the ceiling, he tried to piece together what he'd tell Dan. After all, it's not everyday your boyfriend gets replaced by his crossdressing, addict brother. ‘Hey, Phi, funny story…’
Just then, the shower abruptly shut off, and his train of thought came to a screeching halt. He’s coming. Jade quickly sat up and crossed his right leg over his left. He folded his hands neatly in his lap and listened intently for the creak of the bathroom door followed by the soft thump-thump of approaching footsteps.
Sit pretty, baobei.

Jade shut his eyes tightly as he tried to force that sickening voice back into the depths of his mind. I don't have to listen to him. I've been away from him for years now. That bastard means nothing now.

The bathroom door opened, and Jade opened his eyes. Showtime. Dan entered the room wearing a white undershirt and gray boxers. The thin shirt clung to his damp skin and highlighted his pretty muscles. Jade leisurely ran his eyes up and down Dan’s body, waiting for the older man to acknowledge him. The boxers, while a bit on the baggy side, didn’t distract from Dan’s lower assets. Of course, Jade would’ve preferred to see him in something just a bit tighter…


Hehe. Guess again. Jade uncrossed his legs, sprang to his feet, and approached Dan with a bright smile. “Hey, Phi!” Jade said cheerfully, “I see you brought home food. Mmm. Smells amazing.” He casually placed his hand on Dan’s shoulder and slowly began making invisible circles on the soft cotton with his thumb. “Mind if we eat before we talk? I’m starving.”

Dan just stared at him. His expression was pinched with puzzlement and worry. Jade watched as his eyes frantically darted back and forth, as if trying to decide whether he recognized the person in front of him or not. Jade continued to smile sweetly. He was waiting for Yok’s boyfriend to call his bluff. Instead, Dan’s sharply inquisitive gaze softened, and he simply nodded in agreement. “Alright, dinner first, then we’ll talk.” Although calm, his voice held an authoritative edge. It was clear that after dinner, Dan meant business.

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