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His entire demeanour changed within moments again. He went back to being the serious, flat faced self.
'You told me to call you if I need a favour.' He simply respond, looking straight into my eyes.

'I know I did, but I didn't imagine I'd have to meet your family. Also, nice to know your name.' I tell him sarcastically

'Don't worry, this was a one time thing. I'll tell her we broke up if she asks again.' He says

'You better, cause if I have to get touched up by you again, I will throw hands.' I tell him, frustrated

'Never saw someone telling Jimin off like this.' One of the guys from the table comments on our argument, amused

'Don't worry, I don't want your paws on me either.' He shudders a bit

'I do wonder, are you bipolar?' I ask him, seriously wondering if he's mentally okay. The way he changes his mood within seconds is actually kind of scary
The guys around the table burst into laughter at my comment.

'Oh this needs to be recorded.' Another guy adds

'I'm only asking because one second you're the sweetest guy in the world, and the next you turn into a psychopath.' I add talking to Jimin again

He brushes his hand through his hair smirking 'Says the woman who wouldn't stop touching me up until 2 minutes ago, but is now pissed off I did the same.'

'You didn't leave me any choice did you? I didn't want to touch you any more than you wanted to touch me.' I twitch a little in disgust

'Can you just leave already?' He says, annoyed

'No, no, please stay. I love this!' Another guy speaks up

'You can touch me up anytime.' One of them says to me, winking at me

'She's all yours Jungkook.' Jimin tells him, laughing

'I would rather not touch any of you, especially you.' I tell Jimin 'I'm leaving. Please, don't ever contact me again. I've done my part.'

'Was a great performance. Great job.' One of the guys applauds me

'Thanks. I'm used to assholes so it's easy to act interested.' I give him a sarcastic smile and turn, walking away

I didn't turn around to see what happened but I heard them yelling in laughter over each other.
Last thing I heard was one of them telling Jimin 'This one is interesting.'

I shut the door behind me, jumping in my car and driving away.

This guy is really something else.
When I first saw him I thought to myself this is the most beautiful man I've ever seen.
But then he opened his mouth and he fell down faster than he got up.

I came home frustrated at myself for ever going over. The feeling of his touches still lingers on my skin. It creeps me out. I need to wash this feeling away. So I took a hot shower, scrubbing myself. I don't want any of that feeling on me.

As I'm getting ready for bed, my phone buzzes.
It's a text message from an unknown number.

Hello, Luna. We met today, kind of. Just wanted to say thanks for helping Jimin. He can be a bit of a dick, until you get to know him. Anyway, sorry for the awkward situation. -Namjoon

I have no idea which one of them is it, or how he got my number.

Sorry if I was rude, but that guy is frustrating. Don't worry, it's over now.

I don't know why I replied, I mean, they can't all be bad.

I turned off my sound after that and had gone to sleep. It took me a while to fall asleep, but I got there in the end.
Luckily it's my day off tomorrow, so I can sleep in.

Pretend Love: What Happens Between Us |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now