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'This feels weird doesn't it?' I ask Jimin giggling as we're both getting ready to go to work

He is just putting on his tie, finished dressing up.
'A little, but in a good way.' He smiles at me

I walk over to him, gently tugging on his tie for him to bend down do I can kiss him. He smiled against my lips, kissing me as he holds me around the waist.
'We might need to use this tie again.' I tell him

'I will stay home, don't tempt me.' He smirks

'I'm not going anywhere. Besides, we live together.' I remind him

'Mmm...' he mumbles, kissing me again, 'We should have moved in earlier.' He smiles

'Definitely.' I agree
'I'll be going now. Drive safe and have a good day. I'll see you back at home later.'

'Bye baby, enjoy your day.' He smiles brightly at me as I leave the room and head out to work.

I liked living alone, but waking up next to him makes my day so much better. It's kind of starting your day the best way possible. And knowing I'll see him when I'm back home makes it even better. Granted, it's only been a few days since we have been living together, we still have an entire month of try outs to do, but I am enjoying it.

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I'm done for today and finally home. I'm just looking forward to seeing Jimin at the end of the day. As I walk in, I can smell cooking.

I walk over to the kitchen to find Jimin making dinner. Seems he got home way before me. This is kind of cute. I lean over to the wall, watching him for a bit. He still didn't notice me.

'What's cooking, good looking?' I speak up, getting his attention

He turns around, looking at me. He flashes me a beautiful smile 'You're home.' He comes over and lifts me up hugging me tightly.

I giggle, hugging him around his neck 'Hey you.' I kiss him lightly

'How was your day?' He asks putting me down

'Busy. Someone decided to trash a room they stayed in, guessing they got drunk. So now it needs renovation. How about you?' I ask

'Had that before. Such a waste of money. And mine was okay. Not that bad actually.' He replies

'Whatcha cooking there? It smells nice.' I sniff

'I'm trying to make a pizza. I smelt it today and it wouldn't leave me, so I wanted to make my own.'

'Oh I can't wait to see that.' I tease

'You're just in time, it's almost done.'

'I'm just gonna leave my things. I'll shower after dinner.' I turned to leave to the room but he stopped me.

'You need to pay a leaving fee.' He jokes, pulling me in for another kiss. Soft, gentle kiss. Makes my heart flutter. I giggle at him being cute.

'Now you can leave. But hurry back.' He says all proud of himself he stopped me the first time. What a kid.

It still boggles my mind just how much he changed. I remember clearly when everything started, I geuninely felt like killing him. Now he is the sweetest guy I could imagine. How does that even happen?!

'Wow, that looks pretty amazing.' He was just serving the pizza at the table, and it does looks pretty damn good

He smiles 'I just hope it tastes as good as it looks.'

'I have full trust in you.' I nod at him. He smiles and sits down. He is turning his plate around, hesitating. I start laughing at him.

'Why are you dodging your own food?' I ask him

Pretend Love: What Happens Between Us |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now