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'So did you girls have fun yesterday?' Jin asks

We are all together when, Sunday lunch time. Can't skip any of those.

'Oh it was a blast. Aoni found the most gorgeous dress.' Mina says, still excited about it

'I don't know Mina, you looked pretty good too.' Aoni smiles at her

'Mina? What? Hobi did you propose to her already?' Namjoon asks Hobi who's completely lost

The girls started laughing, including me.
'No, no, we just made it into a game. We all tried dresses on. Was kind of a blind pick. We'd find a dress for the one waiting in the dressing room.' Tina explains

'Wait seriously?' Jungkook asks

'Yep. Was pretty hilarious. You guys should have seen Tina.' Aoni says already laughing. She really did get a lot more relaxed in the group. She's getting along with everyone. Except Jimin. He's talking to her almost normal these days but he's still staying away from her. She doesn't seem too bothered by it.

'What did she do?' Jin asks

'Not what she did. But we did turn her into a Vegas bride.' I tell him laughing.

'Oh I'd pay to see that.' Yoongi says

'Well Yoongi, good thing we took ton of pics and videos.' Mina says

'Oh can we see?' Taehyung asks all excited about it

'Absolutely. Go for it.' Aoni laughs and pulls out her phone

'Look at her.' She laughs as she opens the picture and passes her phone around the table.

Jungkook took one look at it and died laughing, same with Hobi.
Namjoon facepalmed himself. Taehyung and Yoongi actually thought she didn't look too bad. Jin covered his eyes as if he's seen a horror movie. Even Jimin laughed a little.

'So Yoongi, whatcha think of that?' Aoni asks him

'Why me?' He asks confused, making us all laugh

'Okay, okay, what about this one?' Aoni asks again and shows him the picture of Tina in the nice dress.

'Oh wow, this is you?' Yoongi looks up at Tina as he holds the phone in his hand

'You look gorgeous Tina.' Taehyung says taking the phone from Yoongi

'Daaamn. You're ready for that altar.' Jungkook exclaims looking at the picture

'You do look nice.' Jimin says looking at it

'C'mon Yoongi, even Jimin gave her a compliment.' I tell him

'Did I miss something? What's going on?' Yoongi asks leaning forward

'Oooo someone has a crush on Yoongi.' Hobi teases, giggling like a girl

'What- hold up. I'm lost. Do you?' He asks Tina, surprised

'Depends. Is it worth admiting it?' She smirks at him

'Might be.' He smiles at her

'Then yes.' She smiles. She really goes for it, huh.

'Then I assume you'll be free tomorrow night?' He asks leaning towards her

'Nope. I actually have dinner plans.' She says. He looked a bit sad to hear that but then she smiled and added 'With you of course.'

He smiled 'You're a crazy woman you know.' He says laughing a little

'Yayyyyy!' Hobi starts clapping, everyone else joining in on the celebration.
This was adorable too watch.

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